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- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- /*
- * buffer.c: functions for dealing with the buffer structure
- */
- /*
- * The buffer list is a double linked list of all buffers.
- * Each buffer can be in one of these states:
- * never loaded: BF_NEVERLOADED is set, only the file name is valid
- * not loaded: b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL, no memfile allocated
- * hidden: b_nwindows == 0, loaded but not displayed in a window
- * normal: loaded and displayed in a window
- *
- * Instead of storing file names all over the place, each file name is
- * stored in the buffer list. It can be referenced by a number.
- *
- * The current implementation remembers all file names ever used.
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_PERL)
- static char_u *buflist_match __ARGS((regprog_T *prog, buf_T *buf));
- static char_u *fname_match __ARGS((regprog_T *prog, char_u *name));
- #endif
- static void buflist_setfpos __ARGS((buf_T *buf, win_T *win, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, int copy_options));
- static wininfo_T *find_wininfo __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
- #ifdef UNIX
- static buf_T *buflist_findname_stat __ARGS((char_u *ffname, struct stat *st));
- static int otherfile_buf __ARGS((buf_T *buf, char_u *ffname, struct stat *stp));
- static int buf_same_ino __ARGS((buf_T *buf, struct stat *stp));
- #else
- static int otherfile_buf __ARGS((buf_T *buf, char_u *ffname));
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
- static int ti_change __ARGS((char_u *str, char_u **last));
- #endif
- static void free_buffer __ARGS((buf_T *));
- static void free_buffer_stuff __ARGS((buf_T *));
- static void clear_wininfo __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
- #ifdef UNIX
- # define dev_T dev_t
- #else
- # define dev_T unsigned
- #endif
- /*
- * Open current buffer, that is: open the memfile and read the file into memory
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- open_buffer(read_stdin, eap)
- int read_stdin; /* read file from stdin */
- exarg_T *eap; /* for forced 'ff' and 'fenc' or NULL */
- {
- int retval = OK;
- buf_T *old_curbuf;
- #endif
- /*
- * The 'readonly' flag is only set when BF_NEVERLOADED is being reset.
- * When re-entering the same buffer, it should not change, because the
- * user may have reset the flag by hand.
- */
- if (readonlymode && curbuf->b_ffname != NULL
- && (curbuf->b_flags & BF_NEVERLOADED))
- curbuf->b_p_ro = TRUE;
- if (ml_open() == FAIL)
- {
- /*
- * There MUST be a memfile, otherwise we can't do anything
- * If we can't create one for the current buffer, take another buffer
- */
- close_buffer(NULL, curbuf, 0);
- for (curbuf = firstbuf; curbuf != NULL; curbuf = curbuf->b_next)
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL)
- break;
- /*
- * if there is no memfile at all, exit
- * This is OK, since there are no changes to loose.
- */
- if (curbuf == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E82: Cannot allocate any buffer, exiting..."));
- getout(2);
- }
- EMSG(_("E83: Cannot allocate buffer, using other one..."));
- enter_buffer(curbuf);
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* The autocommands in readfile() may change the buffer, but only AFTER
- * reading the file. */
- old_curbuf = curbuf;
- modified_was_set = FALSE;
- #endif
- /* mark cursor position as being invalid */
- changed_line_abv_curs();
- if (curbuf->b_ffname != NULL)
- {
- retval = readfile(curbuf->b_ffname, curbuf->b_fname,
- (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, eap, READ_NEW);
- /* Help buffer is filtered. */
- if (curbuf->b_help)
- fix_help_buffer();
- }
- else if (read_stdin)
- {
- int save_bin = curbuf->b_p_bin;
- linenr_T line_count;
- /*
- * First read the text in binary mode into the buffer.
- * Then read from that same buffer and append at the end. This makes
- * it possible to retry when 'fileformat' or 'fileencoding' was
- * guessed wrong.
- */
- curbuf->b_p_bin = TRUE;
- retval = readfile(NULL, NULL, (linenr_T)0,
- (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, eap, READ_NEW + READ_STDIN);
- curbuf->b_p_bin = save_bin;
- if (retval == OK)
- {
- line_count = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- retval = readfile(NULL, NULL, (linenr_T)line_count,
- (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, eap, READ_BUFFER);
- if (retval == OK)
- {
- /* Delete the binary lines. */
- while (--line_count >= 0)
- ml_delete((linenr_T)1, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Delete the converted lines. */
- while (curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count > line_count)
- ml_delete(line_count, FALSE);
- }
- /* Put the cursor on the first line. */
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_STDINREADPOST, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* if first time loading this buffer, init b_chartab[] */
- if (curbuf->b_flags & BF_NEVERLOADED)
- (void)buf_init_chartab(curbuf, FALSE);
- /*
- * Set/reset the Changed flag first, autocmds may change the buffer.
- * Apply the automatic commands, before processing the modelines.
- * So the modelines have priority over auto commands.
- */
- /* When reading stdin, the buffer contents always needs writing, so set
- * the changed flag. Unless in readonly mode: "ls | gview -".
- * When interrupted and 'cpoptions' contains 'i' set changed flag. */
- if ((read_stdin && !readonlymode && !bufempty())
- || modified_was_set /* ":set modified" used in autocmd */
- #endif
- || (got_int && vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_INTMOD) != NULL))
- changed();
- else if (retval != FAIL)
- unchanged(curbuf, FALSE);
- save_file_ff(curbuf); /* keep this fileformat */
- /* require "!" to overwrite the file, because it wasn't read completely */
- if (got_int)
- curbuf->b_flags |= BF_READERR;
- /* need to set w_topline, unless some autocommand already did that. */
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_TOPLINE))
- {
- curwin->w_topline = 1;
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- # endif
- }
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- if (retval != FAIL)
- {
- /*
- * The autocommands may have changed the current buffer. Apply the
- * modelines to the correct buffer, if it still exists and is loaded.
- */
- if (buf_valid(old_curbuf) && old_curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL)
- {
- aco_save_T aco;
- /* Go to the buffer that was opened. */
- aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, old_curbuf);
- #endif
- do_modelines();
- curbuf->b_flags &= ~(BF_CHECK_RO | BF_NEVERLOADED);
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFWINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- /* restore curwin/curbuf and a few other things */
- aucmd_restbuf(&aco);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* Need to update automatic folding. */
- foldUpdateAll(curwin);
- #endif
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "buf" points to a valid buffer (in the buffer list).
- */
- int
- buf_valid(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- buf_T *bp;
- for (bp = firstbuf; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_next)
- if (bp == buf)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Close the link to a buffer.
- * "action" is used when there is no longer a window for the buffer.
- * It can be:
- * 0 buffer becomes hidden
- * DOBUF_UNLOAD buffer is unloaded
- * DOBUF_DELETE buffer is unloaded and removed from buffer list
- * DOBUF_WIPE buffer is unloaded and really deleted
- * When doing all but the first one on the current buffer, the caller should
- * get a new buffer very soon!
- *
- * The 'bufhidden' option can force freeing and deleting.
- */
- void
- close_buffer(win, buf, action)
- win_T *win; /* if not NULL, set b_last_cursor */
- buf_T *buf;
- int action;
- {
- int is_curbuf;
- int nwindows = buf->b_nwindows;
- #endif
- int unload_buf = (action != 0);
- int del_buf = (action == DOBUF_DEL || action == DOBUF_WIPE);
- int wipe_buf = (action == DOBUF_WIPE);
- /*
- * Force unloading or deleting when 'bufhidden' says so.
- * The caller must take care of NOT deleting/freeing when 'bufhidden' is
- * "hide" (otherwise we could never free or delete a buffer).
- */
- if (buf->b_p_bh[0] == 'd') /* 'bufhidden' == "delete" */
- {
- del_buf = TRUE;
- unload_buf = TRUE;
- }
- else if (buf->b_p_bh[0] == 'u') /* 'bufhidden' == "unload" */
- unload_buf = TRUE;
- #endif
- /* decrease the link count from windows (unless not in any window) */
- if (buf->b_nwindows > 0)
- --buf->b_nwindows;
- if (win != NULL)
- {
- /* Set b_last_cursor when closing the last window for the buffer.
- * Remember the last cursor position and window options of the buffer.
- * This used to be only for the current window, but then options like
- * 'foldmethod' may be lost with a ":only" command. */
- if (buf->b_nwindows == 0)
- set_last_cursor(win);
- buflist_setfpos(buf, win,
- win->w_cursor.lnum == 1 ? 0 : win->w_cursor.lnum,
- win->w_cursor.col, TRUE);
- }
- /* When the buffer is no longer in a window, trigger BufWinLeave */
- if (buf->b_nwindows == 0 && nwindows > 0)
- {
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFWINLEAVE, buf->b_fname, buf->b_fname,
- FALSE, buf);
- if (!buf_valid(buf)) /* autocommands may delete the buffer */
- return;
- /* When the buffer becomes hidden, but is not unloaded, trigger
- * BufHidden */
- if (!unload_buf)
- {
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFHIDDEN, buf->b_fname, buf->b_fname,
- FALSE, buf);
- if (!buf_valid(buf)) /* autocmds may delete the buffer */
- return;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* Return when a window is displaying the buffer or when it's not
- * unloaded. */
- if (buf->b_nwindows > 0 || !unload_buf)
- {
- if (buf == curbuf)
- u_sync(); /* sync undo before going to another buffer */
- return;
- }
- /* Always remove the buffer when there is no file name. */
- if (buf->b_ffname == NULL)
- del_buf = TRUE;
- /*
- * Free all things allocated for this buffer.
- * Also calls the "BufDelete" autocommands when del_buf is TRUE.
- */
- is_curbuf = (buf == curbuf);
- #endif
- buf_freeall(buf, del_buf);
- if (wipe_buf && buf_valid(buf))
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT, buf->b_fname, buf->b_fname,
- FALSE, buf);
- /*
- * Autocommands may have deleted the buffer.
- * It's possible that autocommands change curbuf to the one being deleted.
- * This might cause the previous curbuf to be deleted unexpectedly. But
- * in some cases it's OK to delete the curbuf, because a new one is
- * obtained anyway. Therefore only return if curbuf changed to the
- * deleted buffer.
- */
- if (!buf_valid(buf) || (buf == curbuf && !is_curbuf))
- return;
- #endif
- /*
- * Remove the buffer from the list.
- */
- if (wipe_buf)
- {
- if (usingSunWorkShop)
- workshop_file_closed_lineno((char *)buf->b_ffname,
- (int)buf->b_last_cursor.lnum);
- #endif
- vim_free(buf->b_ffname);
- vim_free(buf->b_sfname);
- if (buf->b_prev == NULL)
- firstbuf = buf->b_next;
- else
- buf->b_prev->b_next = buf->b_next;
- if (buf->b_next == NULL)
- lastbuf = buf->b_prev;
- else
- buf->b_next->b_prev = buf->b_prev;
- free_buffer(buf);
- }
- else
- {
- if (del_buf)
- {
- /* Free all internal variables and reset option values, to make
- * ":bdel" compatible with Vim 5.7. */
- free_buffer_stuff(buf);
- /* Make it look like a new buffer. */
- buf->b_flags = BF_CHECK_RO | BF_NEVERLOADED;
- /* Init the options when loaded again. */
- buf->b_p_initialized = FALSE;
- }
- buf_clear_file(buf);
- if (del_buf)
- buf->b_p_bl = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make buffer not contain a file.
- */
- void
- buf_clear_file(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- buf->b_ml.ml_line_count = 1;
- unchanged(buf, TRUE);
- #ifndef SHORT_FNAME
- buf->b_shortname = FALSE;
- #endif
- buf->b_p_eol = TRUE;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- buf->b_p_bomb = FALSE;
- #endif
- buf->b_ml.ml_mfp = NULL;
- buf->b_ml.ml_flags = ML_EMPTY; /* empty buffer */
- }
- /*
- * buf_freeall() - free all things allocated for a buffer that are related to
- * the file.
- */
- void
- buf_freeall(buf, del_buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- int del_buf; /* buffer is going to be deleted */
- {
- int is_curbuf = (buf == curbuf);
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFUNLOAD, buf->b_fname, buf->b_fname, FALSE, buf);
- if (!buf_valid(buf)) /* autocommands may delete the buffer */
- return;
- if (del_buf && buf->b_p_bl)
- {
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFDELETE, buf->b_fname, buf->b_fname, FALSE, buf);
- if (!buf_valid(buf)) /* autocommands may delete the buffer */
- return;
- }
- /*
- * It's possible that autocommands change curbuf to the one being deleted.
- * This might cause curbuf to be deleted unexpectedly. But in some cases
- * it's OK to delete the curbuf, because a new one is obtained anyway.
- * Therefore only return if curbuf changed to the deleted buffer.
- */
- if (buf == curbuf && !is_curbuf)
- return;
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- diff_buf_delete(buf); /* Can't use 'diff' for unloaded buffer. */
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_TCL
- tcl_buffer_free(buf);
- #endif
- u_blockfree(buf); /* free the memory allocated for undo */
- ml_close(buf, TRUE); /* close and delete the memline/memfile */
- buf->b_ml.ml_line_count = 0; /* no lines in buffer */
- u_clearall(buf); /* reset all undo information */
- #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
- syntax_clear(buf); /* reset syntax info */
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Free a buffer structure and the things it contains related to the buffer
- * itself (not the file, that must have been done already).
- */
- static void
- free_buffer(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- free_buffer_stuff(buf);
- #ifdef FEAT_PERL
- perl_buf_free(buf);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON
- python_buffer_free(buf);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_RUBY
- ruby_buffer_free(buf);
- #endif
- vim_free(buf);
- }
- /*
- * Free stuff in the buffer for ":bdel" and when wiping out the buffer.
- */
- static void
- free_buffer_stuff(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- clear_wininfo(buf);
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- var_clear(&buf->b_vars); /* free all internal variables */
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_USR_CMDS
- uc_clear(&buf->b_ucmds); /* clear local user commands */
- #endif
- free_buf_options(buf, TRUE);
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- vim_free(buf->b_start_fenc);
- buf->b_start_fenc = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Free the b_wininfo list for buffer "buf".
- */
- static void
- clear_wininfo(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- wininfo_T *wip;
- while (buf->b_wininfo != NULL)
- {
- wip = buf->b_wininfo;
- buf->b_wininfo = wip->wi_next;
- if (wip->wi_optset)
- {
- clear_winopt(&wip->wi_opt);
- deleteFoldRecurse(&wip->wi_folds);
- #endif
- }
- vim_free(wip);
- }
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Go to another buffer. Handles the result of the ATTENTION dialog.
- */
- void
- goto_buffer(eap, start, dir, count)
- exarg_T *eap;
- int start;
- int dir;
- int count;
- {
- # if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) \
- && (defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG))
- buf_T *old_curbuf = curbuf;
- swap_exists_action = SEA_DIALOG;
- # endif
- (void)do_buffer(*eap->cmd == 's' ? DOBUF_SPLIT : DOBUF_GOTO,
- start, dir, count, eap->forceit);
- # if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) \
- && (defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG))
- if (swap_exists_action == SEA_QUIT && *eap->cmd == 's')
- {
- /* Quitting means closing the split window, nothing else. */
- win_close(curwin, TRUE);
- swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE;
- }
- else
- handle_swap_exists(old_curbuf);
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Handle the situation of swap_exists_action being set.
- * It is allowed for "old_curbuf" to be NULL or invalid.
- */
- void
- handle_swap_exists(old_curbuf)
- buf_T *old_curbuf;
- {
- if (swap_exists_action == SEA_QUIT)
- {
- /* User selected Quit at ATTENTION prompt. Go back to previous
- * buffer. If that buffer is gone or the same as the current one,
- * open a new, empty buffer. */
- swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE; /* don't want it again */
- close_buffer(curwin, curbuf, DOBUF_UNLOAD);
- if (!buf_valid(old_curbuf) || old_curbuf == curbuf)
- old_curbuf = buflist_new(NULL, NULL, 1L, BLN_CURBUF | BLN_LISTED);
- enter_buffer(old_curbuf);
- }
- else if (swap_exists_action == SEA_RECOVER)
- {
- /* User selected Recover at ATTENTION prompt. */
- msg_scroll = TRUE;
- ml_recover();
- MSG_PUTS("\n"); /* don't overwrite the last message */
- cmdline_row = msg_row;
- do_modelines();
- }
- swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * do_bufdel() - delete or unload buffer(s)
- *
- * addr_count == 0: ":bdel" - delete current buffer
- * addr_count == 1: ":N bdel" or ":bdel N [N ..]" - first delete
- * buffer "end_bnr", then any other arguments.
- * addr_count == 2: ":N,N bdel" - delete buffers in range
- *
- * command can be DOBUF_UNLOAD (":bunload"), DOBUF_WIPE (":bwipeout") or
- * DOBUF_DEL (":bdel")
- *
- * Returns error message or NULL
- */
- char_u *
- do_bufdel(command, arg, addr_count, start_bnr, end_bnr, forceit)
- int command;
- char_u *arg; /* pointer to extra arguments */
- int addr_count;
- int start_bnr; /* first buffer number in a range */
- int end_bnr; /* buffer nr or last buffer nr in a range */
- int forceit;
- {
- int do_current = 0; /* delete current buffer? */
- int deleted = 0; /* number of buffers deleted */
- char_u *errormsg = NULL; /* return value */
- int bnr; /* buffer number */
- char_u *p;
- if (addr_count == 0)
- {
- (void)do_buffer(command, DOBUF_CURRENT, FORWARD, 0, forceit);
- }
- else
- {
- if (addr_count == 2)
- {
- if (*arg) /* both range and argument is not allowed */
- return (char_u *)_(e_trailing);
- bnr = start_bnr;
- }
- else /* addr_count == 1 */
- bnr = end_bnr;
- for ( ;!got_int; ui_breakcheck())
- {
- /*
- * delete the current buffer last, otherwise when the
- * current buffer is deleted, the next buffer becomes
- * the current one and will be loaded, which may then
- * also be deleted, etc.
- */
- if (bnr == curbuf->b_fnum)
- do_current = bnr;
- else if (do_buffer(command, DOBUF_FIRST, FORWARD, (int)bnr,
- forceit) == OK)
- ++deleted;
- /*
- * find next buffer number to delete/unload
- */
- if (addr_count == 2)
- {
- if (++bnr > end_bnr)
- break;
- }
- else /* addr_count == 1 */
- {
- arg = skipwhite(arg);
- if (*arg == NUL)
- break;
- if (!isdigit(*arg))
- {
- p = skiptowhite_esc(arg);
- bnr = buflist_findpat(arg, p, command == DOBUF_WIPE, FALSE);
- if (bnr < 0) /* failed */
- break;
- arg = p;
- }
- else
- bnr = getdigits(&arg);
- }
- }
- if (!got_int && do_current && do_buffer(command, DOBUF_FIRST,
- FORWARD, do_current, forceit) == OK)
- ++deleted;
- if (deleted == 0)
- {
- if (command == DOBUF_UNLOAD)
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("No buffers were unloaded"));
- else if (command == DOBUF_DEL)
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("No buffers were deleted"));
- else
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("No buffers were wiped out"));
- errormsg = IObuff;
- }
- else if (deleted >= p_report)
- {
- if (command == DOBUF_UNLOAD)
- {
- if (deleted == 1)
- smsg((char_u *)_("1 buffer unloaded"));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%d buffers unloaded"), deleted);
- }
- else if (command == DOBUF_DEL)
- {
- if (deleted == 1)
- smsg((char_u *)_("1 buffer deleted"));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%d buffers deleted"), deleted);
- }
- else
- {
- if (deleted == 1)
- smsg((char_u *)_("1 buffer wiped out"));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%d buffers wiped out"), deleted);
- }
- }
- }
- return errormsg;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of the commands for the buffer list.
- *
- * action == DOBUF_GOTO go to specified buffer
- * action == DOBUF_SPLIT split window and go to specified buffer
- * action == DOBUF_UNLOAD unload specified buffer(s)
- * action == DOBUF_DEL delete specified buffer(s) from buffer list
- * action == DOBUF_WIPE delete specified buffer(s) really
- *
- * start == DOBUF_CURRENT go to "count" buffer from current buffer
- * start == DOBUF_FIRST go to "count" buffer from first buffer
- * start == DOBUF_LAST go to "count" buffer from last buffer
- * start == DOBUF_MOD go to "count" modified buffer from current buffer
- *
- * Return FAIL or OK.
- */
- int
- do_buffer(action, start, dir, count, forceit)
- int action;
- int start;
- int dir; /* FORWARD or BACKWARD */
- int count; /* buffer number or number of buffers */
- int forceit; /* TRUE for :...! */
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- buf_T *bp;
- int unload = (action == DOBUF_UNLOAD || action == DOBUF_DEL
- || action == DOBUF_WIPE);
- switch (start)
- {
- case DOBUF_FIRST: buf = firstbuf; break;
- case DOBUF_LAST: buf = lastbuf; break;
- default: buf = curbuf; break;
- }
- if (start == DOBUF_MOD) /* find next modified buffer */
- {
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- do
- {
- buf = buf->b_next;
- if (buf == NULL)
- buf = firstbuf;
- }
- while (buf != curbuf && !bufIsChanged(buf));
- }
- if (!bufIsChanged(buf))
- {
- EMSG(_("E84: No modified buffer found"));
- return FAIL;
- }
- }
- else if (start == DOBUF_FIRST && count) /* find specified buffer number */
- {
- while (buf != NULL && buf->b_fnum != count)
- buf = buf->b_next;
- }
- else
- {
- bp = NULL;
- while (count > 0 || (!unload && !buf->b_p_bl && bp != buf))
- {
- /* remember the buffer where we start, we come back there when all
- * buffers are unlisted. */
- if (bp == NULL)
- bp = buf;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- buf = buf->b_next;
- if (buf == NULL)
- buf = firstbuf;
- }
- else
- {
- buf = buf->b_prev;
- if (buf == NULL)
- buf = lastbuf;
- }
- /* don't count unlisted buffers */
- if (unload || buf->b_p_bl)
- {
- --count;
- bp = NULL; /* use this buffer as new starting point */
- }
- if (bp == buf)
- {
- /* back where we started, didn't find anything. */
- EMSG(_("E85: There is no listed buffer"));
- return FAIL;
- }
- }
- }
- if (buf == NULL) /* could not find it */
- {
- if (start == DOBUF_FIRST)
- {
- /* don't warn when deleting */
- if (!unload)
- EMSGN(_("E86: Cannot go to buffer %ld"), count);
- }
- else if (dir == FORWARD)
- EMSG(_("E87: Cannot go beyond last buffer"));
- else
- EMSG(_("E88: Cannot go before first buffer"));
- return FAIL;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- /*
- * delete buffer buf from memory and/or the list
- */
- if (unload)
- {
- int forward;
- int retval;
- /* When unloading or deleting a buffer that's already unloaded and
- * unlisted: fail silently. */
- if (action != DOBUF_WIPE && buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL && !buf->b_p_bl)
- return FAIL;
- if (!forceit && bufIsChanged(buf))
- {
- EMSGN(_("E89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (use ! to override)"),
- buf->b_fnum);
- return FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * If deleting the last (listed) buffer, make it empty.
- * The last (listed) buffer cannot be unloaded.
- */
- for (bp = firstbuf; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_next)
- if (bp->b_p_bl && bp != buf)
- break;
- if (bp == NULL && buf == curbuf)
- {
- if (action == DOBUF_UNLOAD)
- {
- EMSG(_("E90: Cannot unload last buffer"));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* Close any other windows on this buffer, then make it empty. */
- {
- win_T *wp, *nextwp;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = nextwp)
- {
- nextwp = wp->w_next;
- if (wp != curwin && wp->w_buffer == buf)
- {
- /* Start all over, autocommands may change the window
- * layout. */
- nextwp = firstwin;
- win_close(wp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- setpcmark();
- retval = do_ecmd(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, ECMD_ONE,
- forceit ? ECMD_FORCEIT : 0);
- /*
- * do_ecmd() may create a new buffer, then we have to delete
- * the old one. But do_ecmd() may have done that already, check
- * if the buffer still exists.
- */
- if (buf != curbuf && buf_valid(buf) && buf->b_nwindows == 0)
- close_buffer(NULL, buf, action);
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * If the deleted buffer is the current one, close the current window
- * (unless it's the only window).
- */
- while (buf == curbuf && firstwin != lastwin)
- win_close(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- /*
- * If the buffer to be deleted is not the current one, delete it here.
- */
- if (buf != curbuf)
- {
- close_windows(buf);
- #endif
- if (buf != curbuf && buf_valid(buf) && buf->b_nwindows == 0)
- close_buffer(NULL, buf, action);
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Deleting the current buffer: Need to find another buffer to go to.
- * There must be another, otherwise it would have been handled above.
- * First use au_new_curbuf, if it is valid.
- * Then prefer the buffer we most recently visited.
- * Else try to find one that is loaded, after the current buffer,
- * then before the current buffer.
- * Finally use any buffer.
- */
- buf = NULL;
- if (au_new_curbuf != NULL && buf_valid(au_new_curbuf))
- buf = au_new_curbuf;
- else
- # endif
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_jumplistlen > 0)
- {
- int jumpidx;
- jumpidx = curwin->w_jumplistidx - 1;
- if (jumpidx < 0)
- jumpidx = curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1;
- forward = jumpidx;
- while (jumpidx != curwin->w_jumplistidx)
- {
- buf = buflist_findnr(curwin->w_jumplist[jumpidx].fmark.fnum);
- if (buf == curbuf
- || (buf != NULL
- && (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL || !buf->b_p_bl)))
- buf = NULL; /* Must be open, listed and not current */
- /* found a valid buffer: stop searching */
- if (buf != NULL)
- break;
- /* advance to older entry in jump list */
- if (!jumpidx && curwin->w_jumplistidx == curwin->w_jumplistlen)
- break;
- if (--jumpidx < 0)
- jumpidx = curwin->w_jumplistlen - 1;
- if (jumpidx == forward) /* List exhausted for sure */
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (buf == NULL) /* No previous buffer, Try 2'nd approach */
- {
- forward = TRUE;
- buf = curbuf->b_next;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- if (!forward) /* tried both directions */
- break;
- buf = curbuf->b_prev;
- forward = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- /* in non-help buffer, try to skip help buffers, and vv */
- if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL
- && buf->b_help == curbuf->b_help
- && buf->b_p_bl)
- break;
- if (forward)
- buf = buf->b_next;
- else
- buf = buf->b_prev;
- }
- }
- if (buf == NULL) /* No loaded buffer, find listed one */
- {
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- if (buf->b_p_bl && buf != curbuf)
- break;
- }
- if (buf == NULL) /* Still no buffer, just take one */
- {
- if (curbuf->b_next != NULL)
- buf = curbuf->b_next;
- else
- buf = curbuf->b_prev;
- }
- }
- /*
- * make buf current buffer
- */
- if (action == DOBUF_SPLIT) /* split window first */
- {
- /* jump to first window containing buf if one exists ("useopen") */
- if (vim_strchr(p_swb, 'u') && buf_jump_open_win(buf))
- return OK;
- if (win_split(0, 0) == FAIL)
- #endif
- return FAIL;
- }
- #endif
- /* go to current buffer - nothing to do */
- if (buf == curbuf)
- return OK;
- /*
- * Check if the current buffer may be abandoned.
- */
- if (action == DOBUF_GOTO && !can_abandon(curbuf, forceit))
- {
- EMSG(_(e_nowrtmsg));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* Go to the other buffer. */
- set_curbuf(buf, action);
- return OK;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_LISTCMDS */
- /*
- * Set current buffer to "buf". Executes autocommands and closes current
- * buffer. "action" tells how to close the current buffer:
- * DOBUF_GOTO free or hide it
- * DOBUF_SPLIT nothing
- * DOBUF_UNLOAD unload it
- * DOBUF_DEL delete it
- * DOBUF_WIPE wipe it out
- */
- void
- set_curbuf(buf, action)
- buf_T *buf;
- int action;
- {
- buf_T *prevbuf;
- int unload = (action == DOBUF_UNLOAD || action == DOBUF_DEL
- || action == DOBUF_WIPE);
- setpcmark();
- curwin->w_alt_fnum = curbuf->b_fnum; /* remember alternate file */
- buflist_altfpos(); /* remember curpos */
- /* close_windows() or apply_autocmds() may change curbuf */
- prevbuf = curbuf;
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- if (buf_valid(prevbuf))
- #endif
- {
- if (unload)
- close_windows(prevbuf);
- #endif
- if (buf_valid(prevbuf))
- close_buffer(prevbuf == curwin->w_buffer ? curwin : NULL, prevbuf,
- unload ? action : (action == DOBUF_GOTO
- && !P_HID(prevbuf)
- && !bufIsChanged(prevbuf)) ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0);
- }
- if (buf_valid(buf)) /* an autocommand may have deleted buf! */
- #endif
- enter_buffer(buf);
- }
- /*
- * Enter a new current buffer.
- * Old curbuf must have been abandoned already!
- */
- void
- enter_buffer(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- /* Copy buffer and window local option values. Not for a help buffer. */
- buf_copy_options(buf, BCO_ENTER | BCO_NOHELP);
- if (!buf->b_help)
- get_winopts(buf);
- else
- /* Remove all folds in the window. */
- clearFolding(curwin);
- foldUpdateAll(curwin); /* update folds (later). */
- #endif
- /* Get the buffer in the current window. */
- curwin->w_buffer = buf;
- curbuf = buf;
- ++curbuf->b_nwindows;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- diff_new_buffer();
- #endif
- /* Make sure the buffer is loaded. */
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) /* need to load the file */
- open_buffer(FALSE, NULL);
- else
- {
- need_fileinfo = TRUE; /* display file info after redraw */
- (void)buf_check_timestamp(curbuf, FALSE); /* check if file changed */
- curwin->w_topline = 1;
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- # endif
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFWINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- }
- buflist_getfpos(); /* restore curpos.lnum and possibly
- * curpos.col */
- check_arg_idx(curwin); /* check for valid arg_idx */
- #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
- maketitle();
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_topline == 1) /* when autocmds didn't change it */
- #endif
- scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE); /* redisplay at correct position */
- if (usingSunWorkShop && vim_chdirfile(buf->b_ffname) == OK)
- shorten_fnames(TRUE);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_KEYMAP
- if (curbuf->b_kmap_state & KEYMAP_INIT)
- keymap_init();
- #endif
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- /*
- * functions for dealing with the buffer list
- */
- /*
- * Add a file name to the buffer list. Return a pointer to the buffer.
- * If the same file name already exists return a pointer to that buffer.
- * If it does not exist, or if fname == NULL, a new entry is created.
- * If (flags & BLN_CURBUF) is TRUE, may use current buffer.
- * If (flags & BLN_LISTED) is TRUE, add new buffer to buffer list.
- * If (flags & BLN_DUMMY) is TRUE, don't count it as a real buffer.
- * This is the ONLY way to create a new buffer.
- */
- static int top_file_num = 1; /* highest file number */
- buf_T *
- buflist_new(ffname, sfname, lnum, flags)
- char_u *ffname; /* full path of fname or relative */
- char_u *sfname; /* short fname or NULL */
- linenr_T lnum; /* preferred cursor line */
- int flags; /* BLN_ defines */
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- #ifdef UNIX
- struct stat st;
- #endif
- fname_expand(&ffname, &sfname); /* will allocate ffname */
- /*
- * If file name already exists in the list, update the entry.
- */
- #ifdef UNIX
- /* On Unix we can use inode numbers when the file exists. Works better
- * for hard links. */
- if (sfname == NULL || mch_stat((char *)sfname, &st) < 0)
- st.st_dev = (dev_T)-1;
- #endif
- if (ffname != NULL && !(flags & BLN_DUMMY) && (buf =
- #ifdef UNIX
- buflist_findname_stat(ffname, &st)
- #else
- buflist_findname(ffname)
- #endif
- ) != NULL)
- {
- vim_free(ffname);
- if (lnum != 0)
- buflist_setfpos(buf, curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)0, FALSE);
- /* copy the options now, if 'cpo' doesn't have 's' and not done
- * already */
- buf_copy_options(buf, 0);
- return buf;
- }
- /*
- * If the current buffer has no name and no contents, use the current
- * buffer. Otherwise: Need to allocate a new buffer structure.
- *
- * This is the ONLY place where a new buffer structure is allocated!
- */
- if ((flags & BLN_CURBUF)
- && curbuf != NULL
- && curbuf->b_ffname == NULL
- && curbuf->b_nwindows <= 1
- && (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL || bufempty()))
- {
- buf = curbuf;
- /* It's like this buffer is deleted. */
- if (curbuf->b_p_bl)
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFDELETE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- /* Make sure 'bufhidden' and 'buftype' are empty */
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_bh);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_bt);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- buf = (buf_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(buf_T));
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(ffname);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (ffname != NULL)
- {
- buf->b_ffname = ffname;
- buf->b_sfname = vim_strsave(sfname);
- }
- clear_wininfo(buf);
- buf->b_wininfo = (wininfo_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(wininfo_T));
- if ((ffname != NULL && (buf->b_ffname == NULL || buf->b_sfname == NULL))
- || buf->b_wininfo == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(buf->b_ffname);
- buf->b_ffname = NULL;
- vim_free(buf->b_sfname);
- buf->b_sfname = NULL;
- if (buf != curbuf)
- free_buffer(buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (buf == curbuf)
- {
- buf_freeall(buf, FALSE); /* free all things allocated for this buffer */
- if (buf != curbuf) /* autocommands deleted the buffer! */
- return NULL;
- /* buf->b_nwindows = 0; why was this here? */
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- var_clear(&buf->b_vars); /* delete internal variables */
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * put new buffer at the end of the buffer list
- */
- buf->b_next = NULL;
- if (firstbuf == NULL) /* buffer list is empty */
- {
- buf->b_prev = NULL;
- firstbuf = buf;
- }
- else /* append new buffer at end of list */
- {
- lastbuf->b_next = buf;
- buf->b_prev = lastbuf;
- }
- lastbuf = buf;
- buf->b_fnum = top_file_num++;
- if (top_file_num < 0) /* wrap around (may cause duplicates) */
- {
- EMSG(_("W14: Warning: List of file names overflow"));
- if (emsg_silent == 0)
- {
- out_flush();
- ui_delay(3000L, TRUE); /* make sure it is noticed */
- }
- top_file_num = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Always copy the options from the current buffer.
- */
- buf_copy_options(buf, BCO_ALWAYS);
- }
- buf->b_wininfo->wi_fpos.lnum = lnum;
- buf->b_wininfo->wi_win = curwin;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- var_init(&buf->b_vars); /* init internal variables */
- #endif
- buf->b_fname = buf->b_sfname;
- #ifdef UNIX
- if (st.st_dev == (dev_T)-1)
- buf->b_dev = -1;
- else
- {
- buf->b_dev = st.st_dev;
- buf->b_ino = st.st_ino;
- }
- #endif
- buf->b_u_synced = TRUE;
- buf->b_flags = BF_CHECK_RO | BF_NEVERLOADED;
- buf_clear_file(buf);
- clrallmarks(buf); /* clear marks */
- fmarks_check_names(buf); /* check file marks for this file */
- buf->b_p_bl = (flags & BLN_LISTED) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* init 'buflisted' */
- if (!(flags & BLN_DUMMY))
- {
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFNEW, NULL, NULL, FALSE, buf);
- if (flags & BLN_LISTED)
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFADD, NULL, NULL, FALSE, buf);
- }
- #endif
- return buf;
- }
- /*
- * Free the memory for the options of a buffer.
- * If "free_p_ff" is TRUE also free 'fileformat', 'buftype' and
- * 'fileencoding'.
- */
- void
- free_buf_options(buf, free_p_ff)
- buf_T *buf;
- int free_p_ff;
- {
- if (free_p_ff)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_fenc);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_ff);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_bh);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_bt);
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_def);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_inc);
- # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_inex);
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_inde);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_indk);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_CRYPT
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_key);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_mps);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_fo);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_isk);
- #ifdef FEAT_KEYMAP
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_keymap);
- ga_clear(&buf->b_kmap_ga);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_com);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_cms);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_nf);
- #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_syn);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_sua);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_ft);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_oft);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_cink);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_cino);
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) || defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT)
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_cinw);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_cpt);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_gp);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_mp);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_efm);
- #endif
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_ep);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_path);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_tags);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_dict);
- clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_tsr);
- #endif
- buf->b_p_ar = -1;
- }
- /*
- * get alternate file n
- * set linenr to lnum or altfpos.lnum if lnum == 0
- * also set cursor column to altfpos.col if 'startofline' is not set.
- * if (options & GETF_SETMARK) call setpcmark()
- * if (options & GETF_ALT) we are jumping to an alternate file.
- * if (options & GETF_SWITCH) respect 'switchbuf' settings when jumping
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK for success
- */
- int
- buflist_getfile(n, lnum, options, forceit)
- int n;
- linenr_T lnum;
- int options;
- int forceit;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- win_T *wp = NULL;
- #endif
- pos_T *fpos;
- colnr_T col;
- buf = buflist_findnr(n);
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- if ((options & GETF_ALT) && n == 0)
- EMSG(_(e_noalt));
- else
- EMSGN(_("E92: Buffer %ld not found"), n);
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* if alternate file is the current buffer, nothing to do */
- if (buf == curbuf)
- return OK;
- #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
- if (cmdwin_type != 0)
- return FAIL;
- #endif
- /* altfpos may be changed by getfile(), get it now */
- if (lnum == 0)
- {
- fpos = buflist_findfpos(buf);
- lnum = fpos->lnum;
- col = fpos->col;
- }
- else
- col = 0;
- if (options & GETF_SWITCH)
- {
- /* use existing open window for buffer if wanted */
- if (vim_strchr(p_swb, 'u')) /* useopen */
- wp = buf_jump_open_win(buf);
- /* split window if wanted ("split") */
- if (wp == NULL && vim_strchr(p_swb, 't') && !bufempty()
- && win_split(0, 0) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- #endif
- ++RedrawingDisabled;
- if (getfile(buf->b_fnum, NULL, NULL, (options & GETF_SETMARK),
- lnum, forceit) <= 0)
- {
- --RedrawingDisabled;
- /* cursor is at to BOL and w_cursor.lnum is checked due to getfile() */
- if (!p_sol && col != 0)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
- check_cursor_col();
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- --RedrawingDisabled;
- return FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * go to the last know line number for the current buffer
- */
- void
- buflist_getfpos()
- {
- pos_T *fpos;
- fpos = buflist_findfpos(curbuf);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = fpos->lnum;
- check_cursor_lnum();
- if (p_sol)
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- else
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.col = fpos->col;
- check_cursor_col();
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * find file in buffer list by name (it has to be for the current window)
- * 'ffname' must have a full path.
- */
- buf_T *
- buflist_findname(ffname)
- char_u *ffname;
- {
- #ifdef UNIX
- struct stat st;
- if (mch_stat((char *)ffname, &st) < 0)
- st.st_dev = (dev_T)-1;
- return buflist_findname_stat(ffname, &st);
- }
- /*
- * Same as buflist_findname(), but pass the stat structure to avoid getting it
- * twice for the same file.
- */
- static buf_T *
- buflist_findname_stat(ffname, stp)
- char_u *ffname;
- struct stat *stp;
- {
- #endif
- buf_T *buf;
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- if (!otherfile_buf(buf, ffname
- #ifdef UNIX
- , stp
- #endif
- ))
- return buf;
- return NULL;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_PERL) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Find file in buffer list by a regexp pattern.
- * Return fnum of the found buffer.
- * Return < 0 for error.
- */
- int
- buflist_findpat(pattern, pattern_end, unlisted, diffmode)
- char_u *pattern;
- char_u *pattern_end; /* pointer to first char after pattern */
- int unlisted; /* find unlisted buffers */
- int diffmode; /* find diff-mode buffers only */
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- regprog_T *prog;
- int match = -1;
- int find_listed;
- char_u *pat;
- char_u *patend;
- int attempt;
- char_u *p;
- int toggledollar;
- if (pattern_end == pattern + 1 && (*pattern == '%' || *pattern == '#'))
- {
- if (*pattern == '%')
- match = curbuf->b_fnum;
- else
- match = curwin->w_alt_fnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (diffmode && !diff_mode_buf(buflist_findnr(match)))
- match = -1;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Try four ways of matching:
- * attempt == 0: without '^' or '$' (at any position)
- * attempt == 1: with '^' at start (only at postion 0)
- * attempt == 2: with '$' at end (only match at end)
- * attempt == 3: with '^' at start and '$' at end (only full match)
- */
- else
- {
- pat = file_pat_to_reg_pat(pattern, pattern_end, NULL, FALSE);
- if (pat == NULL)
- return -1;
- patend = pat + STRLEN(pat) - 1;
- toggledollar = (patend > pat && *patend == '$');
- for (attempt = 0; attempt <= 3; ++attempt)
- {
- /* may add '^' and '$' */
- if (toggledollar)
- *patend = (attempt < 2) ? NUL : '$'; /* add/remove '$' */
- p = pat;
- if (*p == '^' && !(attempt & 1)) /* add/remove '^' */
- ++p;
- prog = vim_regcomp(p, (int)p_magic);
- if (prog == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(pat);
- return -1;
- }
- /* First try finding a listed buffer, if not found and "unlisted"
- * is TRUE, try finding an unlisted buffer. */
- find_listed = TRUE;
- for (;;)
- {
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- if (buf->b_p_bl == find_listed
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (!diffmode || diff_mode_buf(buf))
- #endif
- && buflist_match(prog, buf) != NULL)
- {
- if (match >= 0) /* already found a match */
- {
- match = -2;
- break;
- }
- match = buf->b_fnum; /* remember first match */
- }
- if (!unlisted || !find_listed || match >= 0)
- break;
- find_listed = FALSE;
- }
- vim_free(prog);
- if (match >= 0) /* found one match */
- break;
- }
- vim_free(pat);
- }
- if (match == -2)
- EMSG2(_("E93: More than one match for %s"), pattern);
- else if (match < 0)
- EMSG2(_("E94: No matching buffer for %s"), pattern);
- return match;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Find all buffer names that match.
- * For command line expansion of ":buf" and ":sbuf".
- * Return OK if matches found, FAIL otherwise.
- */
- int
- ExpandBufnames(pat, num_file, file, options)
- char_u *pat;
- int *num_file;
- char_u ***file;
- int options;
- {
- int count = 0;
- buf_T *buf;
- int round;
- char_u *p;
- int attempt;
- regprog_T *prog;
- *num_file = 0; /* return values in case of FAIL */
- *file = NULL;
- /*
- * attempt == 1: try match with '^', match at start
- * attempt == 2: try match without '^', match anywhere
- */
- for (attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; ++attempt)
- {
- if (attempt == 2)
- {
- if (*pat != '^') /* there's no '^', no need to try again */
- break;
- ++pat; /* skip the '^' */
- }
- prog = vim_regcomp(pat, (int)p_magic);
- if (prog == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- /*
- * round == 1: Count the matches.
- * round == 2: Build the array to keep the matches.
- */
- for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- {
- if (!buf->b_p_bl) /* skip unlisted buffers */
- continue;
- p = buflist_match(prog, buf);
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- if (round == 1)
- ++count;
- else
- {
- if (options & WILD_HOME_REPLACE)
- p = home_replace_save(buf, p);
- else
- p = vim_strsave(p);
- (*file)[count++] = p;
- }
- }
- }
- if (count == 0) /* no match found, break here */
- break;
- if (round == 1)
- {
- *file = (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(count * sizeof(char_u *)));
- if (*file == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(prog);
- return FAIL;
- }
- }
- }
- vim_free(prog);
- if (count) /* match(es) found, break here */
- break;
- }
- *num_file = count;
- return (count == 0 ? FAIL : OK);
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_CMDL_COMPL */
- /*
- * Check for a match on the file name for buffer "buf" with regprog "prog".
- */
- static char_u *
- buflist_match(prog, buf)
- regprog_T *prog;
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- char_u *match;
- /* First try the short file name, then the long file name. */
- match = fname_match(prog, buf->b_sfname);
- if (match == NULL)
- match = fname_match(prog, buf->b_ffname);
- return match;
- }
- /*
- * Try matching the regexp in "prog" with file name "name".
- * Return "name" when there is a match, NULL when not.
- */
- static char_u *
- fname_match(prog, name)
- regprog_T *prog;
- char_u *name;
- {
- char_u *match = NULL;
- char_u *p;
- regmatch_T regmatch;
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- regmatch.regprog = prog;
- regmatch.rm_ic = TRUE; /* Always ignore case */
- #else
- regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE; /* Never ignore case */
- #endif
- if (vim_regexec(®match, name, (colnr_T)0))
- match = name;
- else
- {
- /* Replace $(HOME) with '~' and try matching again. */
- p = home_replace_save(NULL, name);
- if (p != NULL && vim_regexec(®match, p, (colnr_T)0))
- match = name;
- vim_free(p);
- }
- }
- return match;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * find file in buffer list by number
- */
- buf_T *
- buflist_findnr(nr)
- int nr;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- if (nr == 0)
- nr = curwin->w_alt_fnum;
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- if (buf->b_fnum == nr)
- return (buf);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Get name of file 'n' in the buffer list.
- * home_replace() is used to shorten the file name (used for marks).
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, of NULL when failed.
- */
- char_u *
- buflist_nr2name(n, fullname, helptail)
- int n;
- int fullname;
- int helptail; /* for help buffers return tail only */
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- buf = buflist_findnr(n);
- if (buf == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return home_replace_save(helptail ? buf : NULL,
- fullname ? buf->b_ffname : buf->b_fname);
- }
- /*
- * Set the "lnum" and "col" for the buffer "buf" and the current window.
- * When "copy_options" is TRUE save the local window option values.
- * When "lnum" is 0 only do the options.
- */
- static void
- buflist_setfpos(buf, win, lnum, col, copy_options)
- buf_T *buf;
- win_T *win;
- linenr_T lnum;
- colnr_T col;
- int copy_options;
- {
- wininfo_T *wip;
- for (wip = buf->b_wininfo; wip != NULL; wip = wip->wi_next)
- if (wip->wi_win == win)
- break;
- if (wip == NULL)
- {
- /* allocate a new entry */
- wip = (wininfo_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(wininfo_T));
- if (wip == NULL)
- return;
- wip->wi_win = win;
- if (lnum == 0) /* set lnum even when it's 0 */
- lnum = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* remove the entry from the list */
- if (wip->wi_prev)
- wip->wi_prev->wi_next = wip->wi_next;
- else
- buf->b_wininfo = wip->wi_next;
- if (wip->wi_next)
- wip->wi_next->wi_prev = wip->wi_prev;
- if (copy_options && wip->wi_optset)
- {
- clear_winopt(&wip->wi_opt);
- deleteFoldRecurse(&wip->wi_folds);
- #endif
- }
- }
- if (lnum != 0)
- {
- wip->wi_fpos.lnum = lnum;
- wip->wi_fpos.col = col;
- }
- if (copy_options)
- {
- /* Save the window-specific option values. */
- copy_winopt(&win->w_onebuf_opt, &wip->wi_opt);
- wip->wi_fold_manual = win->w_fold_manual;
- cloneFoldGrowArray(&win->w_folds, &wip->wi_folds);
- #endif
- wip->wi_optset = TRUE;
- }
- /* insert the entry in front of the list */
- wip->wi_next = buf->b_wininfo;
- buf->b_wininfo = wip;
- wip->wi_prev = NULL;
- if (wip->wi_next)
- wip->wi_next->wi_prev = wip;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Find info for the current window in buffer "buf".
- * If not found, return the info for the most recently used window.
- * Returns NULL when there isn't any info.
- */
- static wininfo_T *
- find_wininfo(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- wininfo_T *wip;
- for (wip = buf->b_wininfo; wip != NULL; wip = wip->wi_next)
- if (wip->wi_win == curwin)
- break;
- if (wip == NULL) /* if no fpos for curwin, use the first in the list */
- wip = buf->b_wininfo;
- return wip;
- }
- /*
- * Reset the local window options to the values last used in this window.
- * If the buffer wasn't used in this window before, use the values from
- * the most recently used window. If the values were never set, use the
- * global values for the window.
- */
- void
- get_winopts(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- wininfo_T *wip;
- clear_winopt(&curwin->w_onebuf_opt);
- clearFolding(curwin);
- #endif
- wip = find_wininfo(buf);
- if (wip != NULL && wip->wi_optset)
- {
- copy_winopt(&wip->wi_opt, &curwin->w_onebuf_opt);
- curwin->w_fold_manual = wip->wi_fold_manual;
- curwin->w_foldinvalid = TRUE;
- cloneFoldGrowArray(&wip->wi_folds, &curwin->w_folds);
- #endif
- }
- else
- copy_winopt(&curwin->w_allbuf_opt, &curwin->w_onebuf_opt);
- /* Set 'foldlevel' to 'foldlevelstart' if it's not negative. */
- if (p_fdls >= 0)
- curwin->w_p_fdl = p_fdls;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Find the position (lnum and col) for the buffer 'buf' for the current
- * window.
- * Returns a pointer to no_position if no position is found.
- */
- pos_T *
- buflist_findfpos(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- wininfo_T *wip;
- static pos_T no_position = {1, 0};
- wip = find_wininfo(buf);
- if (wip != NULL)
- return &(wip->wi_fpos);
- else
- return &no_position;
- }
- /*
- * Find the lnum for the buffer 'buf' for the current window.
- */
- linenr_T
- buflist_findlnum(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- return buflist_findfpos(buf)->lnum;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * List all know file names (for :files and :buffers command).
- */
- void
- buflist_list(eap)
- exarg_T *eap;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- int len;
- int i;
- char *mod;
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL && !got_int; buf = buf->b_next)
- {
- /* skip unlisted buffers, unless ! was used */
- if (!buf->b_p_bl && !eap->forceit)
- continue;
- msg_putchar('\n');
- if (buf_spname(buf) != NULL)
- STRCPY(NameBuff, buf_spname(buf));
- else
- home_replace(buf, buf->b_fname, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
- switch (bufIsChanged(buf) + (buf->b_p_ro * 2) + (!buf->b_p_ma * 4))
- {
- default: mod = " "; break;
- case 1: mod = " +"; break;
- case 2: mod = "= "; break;
- case 3: mod = "=+"; break;
- case 4:
- case 6: mod = "- "; break;
- case 5:
- case 7: mod = "-+"; break;
- }
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, "%3d%c%c%c%s \"",
- buf->b_fnum,
- buf->b_p_bl ? ' ' : 'u',
- buf == curbuf ? '%' :
- (curwin->w_alt_fnum == buf->b_fnum ? '#' : ' '),
- buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL ? ' ' :
- (buf->b_nwindows == 0 ? 'h' : 'a'),
- mod);
- len = (int)STRLEN(IObuff);
- STRNCPY(IObuff + len, NameBuff, IOSIZE - 20 - len);
- len = (int)STRLEN(IObuff);
- IObuff[len++] = '"';
- /* put "line 999" in column 40 or after the file name */
- IObuff[len] = NUL;
- i = 40 - vim_strsize(IObuff);
- do
- {
- IObuff[len++] = ' ';
- } while (--i > 0 && len < IOSIZE - 18);
- sprintf((char *)IObuff + len, _("line %ld"),
- buf == curbuf ? curwin->w_cursor.lnum :
- (long)buflist_findlnum(buf));
- msg_outtrans(IObuff);
- out_flush(); /* output one line at a time */
- ui_breakcheck();
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Get file name and line number for file 'fnum'.
- * Used by DoOneCmd() for translating '%' and '#'.
- * Used by insert_reg() and cmdline_paste() for '#' register.
- * Return FAIL if not found, OK for success.
- */
- int
- buflist_name_nr(fnum, fname, lnum)
- int fnum;
- char_u **fname;
- linenr_T *lnum;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- buf = buflist_findnr(fnum);
- if (buf == NULL || buf->b_fname == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- *fname = buf->b_fname;
- *lnum = buflist_findlnum(buf);
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Set the current file name to 'ffname', short file name to 'sfname'.
- * The file name with the full path is also remembered, for when :cd is used.
- * Returns FAIL for failure (file name already in use by other buffer)
- * OK otherwise.
- */
- int
- setfname(ffname, sfname, message)
- char_u *ffname, *sfname;
- int message;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- #ifdef UNIX
- struct stat st;
- #endif
- if (ffname == NULL || *ffname == NUL)
- {
- vim_free(curbuf->b_ffname);
- vim_free(curbuf->b_sfname);
- curbuf->b_ffname = NULL;
- curbuf->b_sfname = NULL;
- #ifdef UNIX
- st.st_dev = (dev_T)-1;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- fname_expand(&ffname, &sfname); /* will allocate ffname */
- if (ffname == NULL) /* out of memory */
- return FAIL;
- /*
- * if the file name is already used in another buffer:
- * - if the buffer is loaded, fail
- * - if the buffer is not loaded, delete it from the list
- */
- #ifdef UNIX
- if (mch_stat((char *)ffname, &st) < 0)
- st.st_dev = (dev_T)-1;
- buf = buflist_findname_stat(ffname, &st);
- #else
- buf = buflist_findname(ffname);
- #endif
- if (buf != NULL && buf != curbuf)
- {
- if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL) /* it's loaded, fail */
- {
- if (message)
- EMSG(_("E95: Buffer with this name already exists"));
- vim_free(ffname);
- return FAIL;
- }
- close_buffer(NULL, buf, DOBUF_WIPE); /* delete from the list */
- }
- sfname = vim_strsave(sfname);
- if (ffname == NULL || sfname == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(sfname);
- vim_free(ffname);
- return FAIL;
- }
- # ifdef USE_LONG_FNAME
- # endif
- fname_case(sfname, 0); /* set correct case for short file name */
- #endif
- vim_free(curbuf->b_ffname);
- vim_free(curbuf->b_sfname);
- curbuf->b_ffname = ffname;
- curbuf->b_sfname = sfname;
- }
- curbuf->b_fname = curbuf->b_sfname;
- #ifdef UNIX
- if (st.st_dev == (dev_T)-1)
- curbuf->b_dev = -1;
- else
- {
- curbuf->b_dev = st.st_dev;
- curbuf->b_ino = st.st_ino;
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef SHORT_FNAME
- curbuf->b_shortname = FALSE;
- #endif
- buf_name_changed();
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Take care of what needs to be done when the name of the current buffer has
- * changed.
- */
- void
- buf_name_changed()
- {
- /*
- * If the file name changed, also change the name of the swapfile
- */
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL)
- ml_setname();
- check_arg_idx(curwin); /* check file name for arg list */
- #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
- maketitle(); /* set window title */
- #endif
- status_redraw_all(); /* status lines need to be redrawn */
- #endif
- fmarks_check_names(curbuf); /* check named file marks */
- ml_timestamp(curbuf); /* reset timestamp */
- }
- /*
- * set alternate file name for current window
- *
- * Used by do_one_cmd(), do_write() and do_ecmd().
- * Return the buffer.
- */
- buf_T *
- setaltfname(ffname, sfname, lnum)
- char_u *ffname;
- char_u *sfname;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- /* Create a buffer. 'buflisted' is not set if it's a new buffer */
- buf = buflist_new(ffname, sfname, lnum, 0);
- if (buf != NULL)
- curwin->w_alt_fnum = buf->b_fnum;
- return buf;
- }
- /*
- * Get alternate file name for current window.
- * Return NULL if there isn't any, and give error message if requested.
- */
- char_u *
- getaltfname(errmsg)
- int errmsg; /* give error message */
- {
- char_u *fname;
- linenr_T dummy;
- if (buflist_name_nr(0, &fname, &dummy) == FAIL)
- {
- if (errmsg)
- EMSG(_(e_noalt));
- return NULL;
- }
- return fname;
- }
- /*
- * Add a file name to the buflist and return its number.
- * Uses same flags as buflist_new(), except BLN_DUMMY.
- *
- * used by qf_init(), main() and doarglist()
- */
- int
- buflist_add(fname, flags)
- char_u *fname;
- int flags;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- buf = buflist_new(fname, NULL, (linenr_T)0, flags);
- if (buf != NULL)
- return buf->b_fnum;
- return 0;
- }
- #if defined(BACKSLASH_IN_FILENAME) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Adjust slashes in file names. Called after 'shellslash' was set.
- */
- void
- buflist_slash_adjust()
- {
- buf_T *bp;
- for (bp = firstbuf; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_next)
- {
- if (bp->b_ffname != NULL)
- slash_adjust(bp->b_ffname);
- if (bp->b_sfname != NULL)
- slash_adjust(bp->b_sfname);
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Set alternate cursor position for current window.
- * Also save the local window option values.
- */
- void
- buflist_altfpos()
- {
- buflist_setfpos(curbuf, curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum,
- curwin->w_cursor.col, TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'ffname' is not the same file as current file.
- * Fname must have a full path (expanded by mch_FullName()).
- */
- int
- otherfile(ffname)
- char_u *ffname;
- {
- return otherfile_buf(curbuf, ffname
- #ifdef UNIX
- , NULL
- #endif
- );
- }
- static int
- otherfile_buf(buf, ffname
- #ifdef UNIX
- , stp
- #endif
- )
- buf_T *buf;
- char_u *ffname;
- #ifdef UNIX
- struct stat *stp;
- #endif
- {
- /* no name is different */
- if (ffname == NULL || *ffname == NUL || buf->b_ffname == NULL)
- return TRUE;
- if (fnamecmp(ffname, buf->b_ffname) == 0)
- return FALSE;
- #ifdef UNIX
- {
- struct stat st;
- /* If no struct stat given, get it now */
- if (stp == NULL)
- {
- if (buf->b_dev < 0 || mch_stat((char *)ffname, &st) < 0)
- st.st_dev = (dev_T)-1;
- stp = &st;
- }
- /* Use dev/ino to check if the files are the same, even when the names
- * are different (possible with links). Still need to compare the
- * name above, for when the file doesn't exist yet.
- * Problem: The dev/ino changes when a file is deleted (and created
- * again) and remains the same when renamed/moved. We don't want to
- * mch_stat() each buffer each time, that would be too slow. Get the
- * dev/ino again when they appear to match, but not when they appear
- * to be different: Could skip a buffer when it's actually the same
- * file. */
- if (buf_same_ino(buf, stp))
- {
- buf_setino(buf);
- if (buf_same_ino(buf, stp))
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return TRUE;
- }
- #if defined(UNIX) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Set inode and device number for a buffer.
- * Must always be called when b_fname is changed!.
- */
- void
- buf_setino(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- struct stat st;
- if (buf->b_fname != NULL && mch_stat((char *)buf->b_fname, &st) >= 0)
- {
- buf->b_dev = st.st_dev;
- buf->b_ino = st.st_ino;
- }
- else
- buf->b_dev = -1;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if dev/ino in buffer "buf" matches with "stp".
- */
- static int
- buf_same_ino(buf, stp)
- buf_T *buf;
- struct stat *stp;
- {
- return (buf->b_dev >= 0
- && stp->st_dev == buf->b_dev
- && stp->st_ino == buf->b_ino);
- }
- #endif
- void
- fileinfo(fullname, shorthelp, dont_truncate)
- int fullname;
- int shorthelp;
- int dont_truncate;
- {
- char_u *name;
- int n;
- char_u *p;
- char_u *buffer;
- buffer = alloc(IOSIZE);
- if (buffer == NULL)
- return;
- if (fullname > 1) /* 2 CTRL-G: include buffer number */
- {
- sprintf((char *)buffer, "buf %d: ", curbuf->b_fnum);
- p = buffer + STRLEN(buffer);
- }
- else
- p = buffer;
- *p++ = '"';
- if (buf_spname(curbuf) != NULL)
- STRCPY(p, buf_spname(curbuf));
- else
- {
- if (!fullname && curbuf->b_fname != NULL)
- name = curbuf->b_fname;
- else
- name = curbuf->b_ffname;
- home_replace(shorthelp ? curbuf : NULL, name, p,
- (int)(IOSIZE - (p - buffer)), TRUE);
- }
- sprintf((char *)buffer + STRLEN(buffer),
- "\"%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- curbufIsChanged() ? (shortmess(SHM_MOD)
- ? " [+]" : _(" [Modified]")) : " ",
- (curbuf->b_flags & BF_NOTEDITED)
- && !bt_dontwrite(curbuf)
- #endif
- ? _("[Not edited]") : "",
- (curbuf->b_flags & BF_NEW)
- && !bt_dontwrite(curbuf)
- #endif
- ? _("[New file]") : "",
- (curbuf->b_flags & BF_READERR) ? _("[Read errors]") : "",
- curbuf->b_p_ro ? (shortmess(SHM_RO) ? "[RO]"
- : _("[readonly]")) : "",
- (curbufIsChanged() || (curbuf->b_flags & BF_WRITE_MASK)
- || curbuf->b_p_ro) ?
- " " : "");
- n = (int)(((long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum * 100L) /
- (long)curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count);
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY)
- {
- STRCPY(buffer + STRLEN(buffer), _(no_lines_msg));
- }
- else if (p_ru)
- {
- /* Current line and column are already on the screen -- webb */
- sprintf((char *)buffer + STRLEN(buffer),
- (curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count == 1
- ? _("1 line --%d%%--") : _("%ld lines --%d%%--")),
- (long)curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
- n);
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- sprintf((char *)buffer + STRLEN(buffer),
- _("line %ld of %ld --%d%%-- col "),
- (long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum,
- (long)curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
- n);
- validate_virtcol();
- col_print(buffer + STRLEN(buffer),
- (int)curwin->w_cursor.col + 1, (int)curwin->w_virtcol + 1);
- }
- (void)append_arg_number(curwin, buffer, !shortmess(SHM_FILE), IOSIZE);
- if (dont_truncate)
- {
- /* Temporarily set msg_scroll to avoid the message being truncated.
- * First call msg_start() to get the message in the right place. */
- msg_start();
- n = msg_scroll;
- msg_scroll = TRUE;
- msg(buffer);
- msg_scroll = n;
- }
- else
- msg_trunc_attr(buffer, FALSE, 0);
- vim_free(buffer);
- }
- void
- col_print(buf, col, vcol)
- char_u *buf;
- int col;
- int vcol;
- {
- if (col == vcol)
- sprintf((char *)buf, "%d", col);
- else
- sprintf((char *)buf, "%d-%d", col, vcol);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_TITLE) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * put file name in title bar of window and in icon title
- */
- static char_u *lasttitle = NULL;
- static char_u *lasticon = NULL;
- void
- maketitle()
- {
- char_u *p;
- char_u *t_str = NULL;
- char_u *i_name;
- char_u *i_str = NULL;
- int maxlen = 0;
- int len;
- int mustset;
- char_u buf[IOSIZE];
- int off;
- need_maketitle = FALSE;
- if (!p_title && !p_icon)
- return;
- if (p_title)
- {
- if (p_titlelen > 0)
- {
- maxlen = p_titlelen * Columns / 100;
- if (maxlen < 10)
- maxlen = 10;
- }
- t_str = buf;
- if (*p_titlestring != NUL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
- if (stl_syntax & STL_IN_TITLE)
- build_stl_str_hl(curwin, t_str, p_titlestring, 0, maxlen, NULL);
- else
- #endif
- t_str = p_titlestring;
- }
- else
- {
- /* format: "fname + (path) (1 of 2) - VIM" */
- if (curbuf->b_fname == NULL)
- STRCPY(buf, _("[No file]"));
- else
- {
- p = transstr(gettail(curbuf->b_fname));
- STRNCPY(buf, p, IOSIZE - 100);
- vim_free(p);
- buf[IOSIZE - 100] = NUL; /* in case it was too long */
- }
- switch (bufIsChanged(curbuf)
- + (curbuf->b_p_ro * 2)
- + (!curbuf->b_p_ma * 4))
- {
- case 1: STRCAT(buf, " +"); break;
- case 2: STRCAT(buf, " ="); break;
- case 3: STRCAT(buf, " =+"); break;
- case 4:
- case 6: STRCAT(buf, " -"); break;
- case 5:
- case 7: STRCAT(buf, " -+"); break;
- }
- if (curbuf->b_fname != NULL)
- {
- /* Get path of file, replace home dir with ~ */
- off = (int)STRLEN(buf);
- buf[off++] = ' ';
- buf[off++] = '(';
- home_replace(curbuf, curbuf->b_ffname,
- buf + off, IOSIZE - off, TRUE);
- /* avoid "c:/name" to be reduced to "c" */
- if (isalpha(buf[off]) && buf[off + 1] == ':')
- off += 2;
- #endif
- /* remove the file name */
- p = gettail(buf + off);
- if (p == buf + off)
- {
- /* must be a help buffer */
- STRCPY(buf + off, _("help"));
- }
- else
- {
- while (p > buf + off + 1 && vim_ispathsep(p[-1]))
- --p;
- *p = NUL;
- }
- /* translate unprintable chars */
- p = transstr(buf + off);
- STRNCPY(buf + off, p, IOSIZE - off);
- vim_free(p);
- buf[IOSIZE - 1] = NUL; /* in case it was too long */
- STRCAT(buf, ")");
- }
- append_arg_number(curwin, buf, FALSE, IOSIZE);
- #if defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER)
- if (serverName != NULL)
- {
- STRCAT(buf, " - ");
- STRCAT(buf, serverName);
- }
- else
- #endif
- STRCAT(buf, " - VIM");
- if (maxlen > 0)
- {
- /* make it shorter by removing a bit in the middle */
- len = vim_strsize(buf);
- if (len > maxlen)
- trunc_string(buf, buf, maxlen);
- }
- }
- }
- mustset = ti_change(t_str, &lasttitle);
- if (p_icon)
- {
- i_str = buf;
- if (*p_iconstring != NUL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
- if (stl_syntax & STL_IN_ICON)
- build_stl_str_hl(curwin, i_str, p_iconstring, 0, 0, NULL);
- else
- #endif
- i_str = p_iconstring;
- }
- else
- {
- if (buf_spname(curbuf) != NULL)
- i_name = (char_u *)buf_spname(curbuf);
- else /* use file name only in icon */
- i_name = gettail(curbuf->b_ffname);
- *i_str = NUL;
- /* Truncate name at 100 chars. */
- if (STRLEN(i_name) > 100)
- i_name += STRLEN(i_name) - 100;
- while (*i_name)
- STRCAT(i_str, transchar(*i_name++));
- }
- }
- mustset |= ti_change(i_str, &lasticon);
- if (mustset)
- resettitle();
- }
- /*
- * Used for title and icon: Check if "str" differs from "*last". Set "*last"
- * from "str" if it does.
- * Return TRUE when "*last" changed.
- */
- static int
- ti_change(str, last)
- char_u *str;
- char_u **last;
- {
- if ((str == NULL) != (*last == NULL)
- || (str != NULL && *last != NULL && STRCMP(str, *last) != 0))
- {
- vim_free(*last);
- if (str == NULL)
- *last = NULL;
- else
- *last = vim_strsave(str);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Put current window title back (used after calling a shell)
- */
- void
- resettitle()
- {
- mch_settitle(lasttitle, lasticon);
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_TITLE */
- #if defined(FEAT_STL_OPT) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Build a string from the status line items in fmt, return length of string.
- *
- * Items are drawn interspersed with the text that surrounds it
- * Specials: %-<wid>(xxx%) => group, %= => middle marker, %< => truncation
- * Item: %-<minwid>.<maxwid><itemch> All but <itemch> are optional
- *
- * if maxlen is not zero, the string will be filled at any middle marker
- * or truncated if too long, fillchar is used for all whitespace
- */
- int
- build_stl_str_hl(wp, out, fmt, fillchar, maxlen, hl)
- win_T *wp;
- char_u *out;
- char_u *fmt;
- int fillchar;
- int maxlen;
- struct stl_hlrec *hl;
- {
- char_u *p;
- char_u *s;
- char_u *t;
- char_u *linecont;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- win_T *o_curwin;
- buf_T *o_curbuf;
- #endif
- int empty_line;
- colnr_T virtcol;
- long l;
- long n;
- int prevchar_isflag;
- int prevchar_isitem;
- int itemisflag;
- char_u *str;
- long num;
- int itemcnt;
- int curitem;
- int groupitem[STL_MAX_ITEM];
- int groupdepth;
- struct stl_item
- {
- char_u *start;
- int minwid;
- int maxwid;
- enum
- {
- Normal,
- Empty,
- Group,
- Middle,
- Highlight,
- Trunc
- } type;
- } item[STL_MAX_ITEM];
- int minwid;
- int maxwid;
- int zeropad;
- char_u base;
- char_u opt;
- #define TMPLEN 70
- char_u tmp[TMPLEN];
- if (!fillchar)
- fillchar = ' ';
- /*
- * Get line & check if empty (cursorpos will show "0-1").
- * If inversion is possible we use it. Else '=' characters are used.
- */
- linecont = ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, wp->w_cursor.lnum, FALSE);
- empty_line = (*linecont == NUL);
- groupdepth = 0;
- p = out;
- curitem = 0;
- prevchar_isflag = TRUE;
- prevchar_isitem = FALSE;
- for (s = fmt; *s;)
- {
- if (*s && *s != '%')
- prevchar_isflag = prevchar_isitem = FALSE;
- while (*s && *s != '%')
- *p++ = *s++;
- if (!*s)
- break;
- s++;
- if (*s == '%')
- {
- *p++ = *s++;
- prevchar_isflag = prevchar_isitem = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (*s == STL_MIDDLEMARK)
- {
- s++;
- if (groupdepth > 0)
- continue;
- item[curitem].type = Middle;
- item[curitem++].start = p;
- continue;
- }
- if (*s == STL_TRUNCMARK)
- {
- s++;
- item[curitem].type = Trunc;
- item[curitem++].start = p;
- continue;
- }
- if (*s == ')')
- {
- s++;
- if (groupdepth < 1)
- continue;
- groupdepth--;
- l = (long)(p - item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start);
- if (curitem > groupitem[groupdepth] + 1
- && item[groupitem[groupdepth]].minwid == 0)
- { /* remove group if all items are empty */
- for (n = groupitem[groupdepth] + 1; n < curitem; n++)
- if (item[n].type == Normal)
- break;
- if (n == curitem)
- p = item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start;
- }
- if (item[groupitem[groupdepth]].maxwid < l)
- { /* truncate */
- n = item[groupitem[groupdepth]].maxwid;
- mch_memmove(item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start,
- item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start + l - n,
- (size_t)n);
- t = item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start;
- *t = '<';
- l -= n;
- p -= l;
- for (n = groupitem[groupdepth] + 1; n < curitem; n++)
- {
- item[n].start -= l;
- if (item[n].start < t)
- item[n].start = t;
- }
- }
- else if (abs(item[groupitem[groupdepth]].minwid) > l)
- { /* fill */
- n = item[groupitem[groupdepth]].minwid;
- if (n < 0)
- {
- n = 0 - n;
- while (l++ < n)
- *p++ = fillchar;
- }
- else
- {
- mch_memmove(item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start + n - l,
- item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start,
- (size_t)l);
- l = n - l;
- p += l;
- for (n = groupitem[groupdepth] + 1; n < curitem; n++)
- item[n].start += l;
- for (t = item[groupitem[groupdepth]].start; l > 0; l--)
- *t++ = fillchar;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- minwid = 0;
- maxwid = 50;
- zeropad = FALSE;
- l = 1;
- if (*s == '0')
- {
- s++;
- zeropad = TRUE;
- }
- if (*s == '-')
- {
- s++;
- l = -1;
- }
- while (*s && isdigit(*s))
- {
- minwid *= 10;
- minwid += *s - '0';
- s++;
- }
- if (*s == STL_HIGHLIGHT)
- {
- item[curitem].type = Highlight;
- item[curitem].start = p;
- item[curitem].minwid = minwid > 9 ? 1 : minwid;
- s++;
- curitem++;
- continue;
- }
- if (*s == '.')
- {
- s++;
- if (isdigit(*s))
- maxwid = 0;
- while (*s && isdigit(*s))
- {
- maxwid *= 10;
- maxwid += *s - '0';
- s++;
- }
- }
- minwid = (minwid > 50 ? 50 : minwid) * l;
- if (*s == '(')
- {
- groupitem[groupdepth++] = curitem;
- item[curitem].type = Group;
- item[curitem].start = p;
- item[curitem].minwid = minwid;
- item[curitem].maxwid = maxwid;
- s++;
- curitem++;
- continue;
- }
- if (vim_strchr(STL_ALL, *s) == NULL)
- {
- s++;
- continue;
- }
- opt = *s++;
- /* OK - now for the real work */
- base = 'D';
- itemisflag = FALSE;
- num = -1;
- str = NULL;
- switch (opt)
- {
- if (buf_spname(wp->w_buffer) != NULL)
- STRCPY(NameBuff, buf_spname(wp->w_buffer));
- else
- {
- t = (opt == STL_FULLPATH) ? wp->w_buffer->b_ffname
- : wp->w_buffer->b_fname;
- home_replace(wp->w_buffer, t, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
- trans_characters(NameBuff, MAXPATHL);
- }
- if (opt != STL_FILENAME)
- str = NameBuff;
- else
- str = gettail(NameBuff);
- break;
- case STL_VIM_EXPR: /* '{' */
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- t = p;
- while (*s != '}' && *s != NUL)
- *p++ = *s++;
- if (*s == NUL) /* missing '}' */
- break;
- s++;
- *p = 0;
- p = t;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- sprintf((char *)tmp, "%d", curbuf->b_fnum);
- set_internal_string_var((char_u *)"actual_curbuf", tmp);
- o_curbuf = curbuf;
- o_curwin = curwin;
- curwin = wp;
- curbuf = wp->w_buffer;
- str = eval_to_string_safe(p, &t);
- curwin = o_curwin;
- curbuf = o_curbuf;
- do_unlet((char_u *)"g:actual_curbuf");
- if (str != NULL && *str != 0)
- {
- t = str;
- if (*t == '-')
- t++;
- t = skipdigits(t);
- if (*t == 0)
- {
- num = atoi((char *) str);
- vim_free(str);
- str = NULL;
- itemisflag = FALSE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- break;
- case STL_LINE:
- num = (wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY)
- ? 0L : (long)(wp->w_cursor.lnum);
- break;
- num = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- break;
- case STL_COLUMN:
- num = !(State & INSERT) && empty_line
- ? 0 : (int)wp->w_cursor.col + 1;
- break;
- /* In list mode virtcol needs to be recomputed */
- virtcol = wp->w_virtcol;
- if (wp->w_p_list && lcs_tab1 == NUL)
- {
- wp->w_p_list = FALSE;
- getvcol(wp, &wp->w_cursor, NULL, &virtcol, NULL);
- wp->w_p_list = TRUE;
- }
- /* Don't display %V if it's the same as %c. */
- if (opt == STL_VIRTCOL_ALT
- && (virtcol == (colnr_T)(!(State & INSERT) && empty_line
- ? 0 : (int)wp->w_cursor.col)))
- break;
- num = (long)virtcol + 1;
- break;
- num = (int)(((long)wp->w_cursor.lnum * 100L) /
- (long)wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count);
- break;
- str = tmp;
- get_rel_pos(wp, str);
- break;
- tmp[0] = 0;
- if (append_arg_number(wp, tmp, FALSE, (int)sizeof(tmp)))
- str = tmp;
- break;
- case STL_KEYMAP:
- if (get_keymap_str(wp, tmp, TMPLEN))
- str = tmp;
- break;
- num = get_printer_page_num();
- #else
- num = 0;
- #endif
- break;
- case STL_BUFNO:
- num = wp->w_buffer->b_fnum;
- break;
- case STL_OFFSET_X:
- base = 'X';
- case STL_OFFSET:
- l = ml_find_line_or_offset(wp->w_buffer, wp->w_cursor.lnum, NULL);
- num = (wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY) || l < 0 ?
- 0L : l + 1 + (!(State & INSERT) && empty_line ?
- 0 : (int)wp->w_cursor.col);
- #endif
- break;
- base = 'X';
- if (((State & INSERT) && wp == curwin) || empty_line)
- num = 0;
- else
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- num = (*mb_ptr2char)(linecont + wp->w_cursor.col);
- #else
- num = linecont[wp->w_cursor.col];
- #endif
- }
- if (num == NL)
- num = 0;
- else if (num == CR && get_fileformat(wp->w_buffer) == EOL_MAC)
- num = NL;
- break;
- case STL_ROFLAG:
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- if (wp->w_buffer->b_p_ro)
- str = (char_u *)((opt == STL_ROFLAG_ALT) ? ",RO" : "[RO]");
- break;
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- if (wp->w_buffer->b_help)
- str = (char_u *)((opt == STL_HELPFLAG_ALT) ? ",HLP"
- : _("[help]"));
- break;
- if (*wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft != NUL
- && STRLEN(wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft) < TMPLEN - 3)
- {
- sprintf((char *)tmp, "[%s]", wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft);
- str = tmp;
- }
- break;
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- if (*wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft != NUL
- && STRLEN(wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft) < TMPLEN - 2)
- {
- sprintf((char *)tmp, ",%s", wp->w_buffer->b_p_ft);
- for (t = tmp; *t != 0; t++)
- *t = TO_UPPER(*t);
- str = tmp;
- }
- break;
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- if (wp->w_p_pvw)
- str = (char_u *)((opt == STL_PREVIEWFLAG_ALT) ? ",PRV"
- : _("[Preview]"));
- break;
- #endif
- itemisflag = TRUE;
- switch ((opt == STL_MODIFIED_ALT)
- + bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer) * 2
- + (!wp->w_buffer->b_p_ma) * 4)
- {
- case 2: str = (char_u *)"[+]"; break;
- case 3: str = (char_u *)",+"; break;
- case 4: str = (char_u *)"[-]"; break;
- case 5: str = (char_u *)",-"; break;
- case 6: str = (char_u *)"[+-]"; break;
- case 7: str = (char_u *)",+-"; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- item[curitem].start = p;
- item[curitem].type = Normal;
- if (str != NULL && *str)
- {
- t = str;
- if (itemisflag)
- {
- if ((t[0] && t[1])
- && ((!prevchar_isitem && *t == ',')
- || (prevchar_isflag && *t == ' ')))
- t++;
- prevchar_isflag = TRUE;
- }
- l = (long)STRLEN(t);
- if (l > 0)
- prevchar_isitem = TRUE;
- if (l > maxwid)
- {
- t += (l - maxwid + 1);
- *p++ = '<';
- }
- if (minwid > 0)
- {
- for (; l < minwid; l++)
- *p++ = fillchar;
- minwid = 0;
- }
- else
- minwid *= -1;
- while (*t)
- {
- *p++ = *t++;
- if (p[-1] == ' ')
- p[-1] = fillchar;
- }
- for (; l < minwid; l++)
- *p++ = fillchar;
- }
- else if (num >= 0)
- {
- int nbase = (base == 'D' ? 10 : (base == 'O' ? 8 : 16));
- char_u nstr[20];
- prevchar_isitem = TRUE;
- t = nstr;
- if (opt == STL_VIRTCOL_ALT)
- {
- *t++ = '-';
- minwid--;
- }
- *t++ = '%';
- if (zeropad)
- *t++ = '0';
- *t++ = '*';
- *t++ = nbase == 16 ? base : (nbase == 8 ? 'o' : 'd');
- *t = 0;
- for (n = num, l = 1; n >= nbase; n /= nbase)
- l++;
- if (opt == STL_VIRTCOL_ALT)
- l++;
- if (l > maxwid)
- {
- l += 2;
- n = l - maxwid;
- while (l-- > maxwid)
- num /= nbase;
- *t++ = '>';
- *t++ = '%';
- *t = t[-3];
- *++t = 0;
- sprintf((char *) p, (char *) nstr, 0, num, n);
- }
- else
- sprintf((char *) p, (char *) nstr, minwid, num);
- p += STRLEN(p);
- }
- else
- item[curitem].type = Empty;
- if (opt == STL_VIM_EXPR)
- vim_free(str);
- if (num >= 0 || (!itemisflag && str && *str))
- prevchar_isflag = FALSE; /* Item not NULL, but not a flag */
- curitem++;
- }
- *p = 0;
- itemcnt = curitem;
- num = (long)STRLEN(out);
- if (maxlen && num > maxlen)
- { /* Apply STL_TRUNC */
- for (l = 0; l < itemcnt; l++)
- if (item[l].type == Trunc)
- break;
- if (itemcnt == 0)
- s = out;
- else
- {
- l = l == itemcnt ? 0 : l;
- s = item[l].start;
- }
- if ((int) (s - out) > maxlen)
- { /* Truncation mark is beyond max length */
- s = out + maxlen - 1;
- for (l = 0; l < itemcnt; l++)
- if (item[l].start > s)
- break;
- *s++ = '>';
- *s = 0;
- itemcnt = l;
- }
- else
- {
- int shift = num - maxlen;
- p = s + shift;
- mch_memmove(s, p, STRLEN(p) + 1);
- *s = '<';
- for (; l < itemcnt; l++)
- {
- if (item[l].start - shift >= out)
- item[l].start -= shift;
- else
- item[l].start = out;
- }
- }
- num = maxlen;
- }
- else if (num < maxlen)
- { /* Apply STL_MIDDLE if any */
- for (l = 0; l < itemcnt; l++)
- if (item[l].type == Middle)
- break;
- if (l < itemcnt)
- {
- p = item[l].start + maxlen - num;
- mch_memmove(p, item[l].start, STRLEN(item[l].start) + 1);
- for (s = item[l].start; s < p; s++)
- *s = fillchar;
- for (l++; l < itemcnt; l++)
- item[l].start += maxlen - num;
- num = maxlen;
- }
- }
- if (hl != NULL)
- {
- for (l = 0; l < itemcnt; l++)
- {
- if (item[l].type == Highlight)
- {
- hl->start = item[l].start;
- hl->userhl = item[l].minwid;
- hl++;
- }
- }
- hl->start = NULL;
- hl->userhl = 0;
- }
- return (int)num;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_STL_OPT */
- #if defined(FEAT_STL_OPT) || defined(FEAT_CMDL_INFO) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Get relative cursor position in window, in the form 99%, using "Top", "Bot"
- * or "All" when appropriate.
- */
- void
- get_rel_pos(wp, str)
- win_T *wp;
- char_u *str;
- {
- long above; /* number of lines above window */
- long below; /* number of lines below window */
- above = wp->w_topline - 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- above += diff_check_fill(wp, wp->w_topline) - wp->w_topfill;
- #endif
- below = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count - wp->w_botline + 1;
- if (below <= 0)
- STRCPY(str, above == 0 ? _("All") : _("Bot"));
- else if (above <= 0)
- STRCPY(str, _("Top"));
- else
- sprintf((char *)str, "%2d%%",
- (int)(above * 100 / (above + below)));
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Append (file 2 of 8) to 'buf', if editing more than one file.
- * Return TRUE if it was appended.
- */
- int
- append_arg_number(wp, buf, add_file, maxlen)
- win_T *wp;
- char_u *buf;
- int add_file; /* Add "file" before the arg number */
- int maxlen; /* maximum nr of chars in buf or zero*/
- {
- char_u *p;
- if (ARGCOUNT <= 1) /* nothing to do */
- return FALSE;
- p = buf + STRLEN(buf); /* go to the end of the buffer */
- if (maxlen && p - buf + 35 >= maxlen) /* getting too long */
- return FALSE;
- *p++ = ' ';
- *p++ = '(';
- if (add_file)
- {
- STRCPY(p, "file ");
- p += 5;
- }
- sprintf((char *)p, wp->w_arg_idx_invalid ? "(%d) of %d)"
- : "%d of %d)", wp->w_arg_idx + 1, ARGCOUNT);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * If fname is not a full path, make it a full path.
- * Returns pointer to allocated memory (NULL for failure).
- */
- char_u *
- fix_fname(fname)
- char_u *fname;
- {
- /*
- * Force expanding the path always for Unix, because symbolic links may
- * mess up the full path name, even though it starts with a '/'.
- * Also expand when there is ".." in the file name, try to remove it,
- * because "c:/src/../README" is equal to "c:/README".
- * For MS-Windows also expand names like "longna~1" to "longname".
- */
- #ifdef UNIX
- return FullName_save(fname, TRUE);
- #else
- if (!vim_isAbsName(fname) || strstr((char *)fname, "..") != NULL
- #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(DJGPP)
- || vim_strchr(fname, '~') != NULL
- #endif
- )
- return FullName_save(fname, FALSE);
- fname = vim_strsave(fname);
- # ifdef USE_LONG_FNAME
- # endif
- {
- if (fname != NULL)
- fname_case(fname, 0); /* set correct case for file name */
- }
- #endif
- return fname;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * make ffname a full file name, set sfname to ffname if not NULL
- * ffname becomes a pointer to allocated memory (or NULL).
- */
- void
- fname_expand(ffname, sfname)
- char_u **ffname;
- char_u **sfname;
- {
- if (*ffname == NULL) /* if no file name given, nothing to do */
- return;
- if (*sfname == NULL) /* if no short file name given, use ffname */
- *sfname = *ffname;
- *ffname = fix_fname(*ffname); /* expand to full path */
- if (!curbuf->b_p_bin)
- {
- char_u *rfname = NULL;
- /* If the file name is a shortcut file, use the file it links to. */
- rfname = mch_resolve_shortcut(*ffname);
- if (rfname)
- {
- vim_free(*ffname);
- *ffname = rfname;
- *sfname = rfname;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Get the file name for an argument list entry.
- */
- char_u *
- alist_name(aep)
- aentry_T *aep;
- {
- buf_T *bp;
- /* Use the name from the associated buffer if it exists. */
- bp = buflist_findnr(aep->ae_fnum);
- if (bp == NULL)
- return aep->ae_fname;
- return bp->b_fname;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * do_arg_all(): Open up to 'count' windows, one for each argument.
- */
- void
- do_arg_all(count, forceit)
- int count;
- int forceit; /* hide buffers in current windows */
- {
- int i;
- win_T *wp, *wpnext;
- char_u *opened; /* array of flags for which args are open */
- int opened_len; /* lenght of opened[] */
- int use_firstwin = FALSE; /* use first window for arglist */
- int split_ret = OK;
- int p_ea_save;
- alist_T *alist; /* argument list to be used */
- buf_T *buf;
- if (ARGCOUNT <= 0)
- {
- /* Don't give an error message. We don't want it when the ":all"
- * command is in the .vimrc. */
- return;
- }
- setpcmark();
- opened_len = ARGCOUNT;
- opened = alloc_clear((unsigned)opened_len);
- if (opened == NULL)
- return;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- /*
- * Try closing all windows that are not in the argument list.
- * Also close windows that are not full width;
- * When 'hidden' or "forceit" set the buffer becomes hidden.
- * Windows that have a changed buffer and can't be hidden won't be closed.
- */
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
- {
- wpnext = wp->w_next;
- buf = wp->w_buffer;
- if (buf->b_ffname == NULL
- || buf->b_nwindows > 1
- || wp->w_width != Columns
- #endif
- )
- else
- {
- /* check if the buffer in this window is in the arglist */
- for (i = 0; i < ARGCOUNT; ++i)
- {
- if (ARGLIST[i].ae_fnum == buf->b_fnum
- || fullpathcmp(alist_name(&ARGLIST[i]),
- buf->b_ffname, TRUE) & FPC_SAME)
- {
- if (i < opened_len)
- opened[i] = TRUE;
- if (wp->w_alist != curwin->w_alist)
- {
- /* Use the current argument list for all windows
- * containing a file from it. */
- alist_unlink(wp->w_alist);
- wp->w_alist = curwin->w_alist;
- ++wp->w_alist->al_refcount;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- wp->w_arg_idx = i;
- if (i == ARGCOUNT) /* close this window */
- {
- if (P_HID(buf) || forceit || buf->b_nwindows > 1
- || !bufIsChanged(buf))
- {
- /* If the buffer was changed, and we would like to hide it,
- * try autowriting. */
- if (!P_HID(buf) && buf->b_nwindows <= 1 && bufIsChanged(buf))
- {
- (void)autowrite(buf, FALSE);
- /* check if autocommands removed the window */
- if (!win_valid(wp) || !buf_valid(buf))
- {
- wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (firstwin == lastwin) /* can't close last window */
- #endif
- use_firstwin = TRUE;
- else
- {
- win_close(wp, !P_HID(buf) && !bufIsChanged(buf));
- # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
- /* check if autocommands removed the next window */
- if (!win_valid(wpnext))
- wpnext = firstwin; /* start all over... */
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Open a window for files in the argument list that don't have one.
- * ARGCOUNT may change while doing this, because of autocommands.
- */
- if (count > ARGCOUNT || count <= 0)
- count = ARGCOUNT;
- /* Autocommands may do anything to the argument list. Make sure it's not
- * freed while we are working here by "locking" it. We still have to
- * watch out for its size to be changed. */
- alist = curwin->w_alist;
- ++alist->al_refcount;
- /* Don't execute Win/Buf Enter/Leave autocommands here. */
- ++autocmd_no_enter;
- ++autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- win_enter(lastwin, FALSE);
- for (i = 0; i < count && i < alist->al_ga.ga_len && !got_int; ++i)
- {
- if (alist == &global_alist && i == global_alist.al_ga.ga_len - 1)
- arg_had_last = TRUE;
- if (i < opened_len && opened[i])
- {
- /* Move the already present window to below the current window */
- if (curwin->w_arg_idx != i)
- {
- for (wpnext = firstwin; wpnext != NULL; wpnext = wpnext->w_next)
- {
- if (wpnext->w_arg_idx == i)
- {
- win_move_after(wpnext, curwin);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (split_ret == OK)
- {
- if (!use_firstwin) /* split current window */
- {
- p_ea_save = p_ea;
- p_ea = TRUE; /* use space from all windows */
- split_ret = win_split(0, WSP_ROOM | WSP_BELOW);
- p_ea = p_ea_save;
- if (split_ret == FAIL)
- continue;
- }
- else /* first window: do autocmd for leaving this buffer */
- --autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- /*
- * edit file i
- */
- curwin->w_arg_idx = i;
- (void)do_ecmd(0, alist_name(&AARGLIST(alist)[i]), NULL, NULL,
- ((P_HID(curwin->w_buffer)
- || bufIsChanged(curwin->w_buffer)) ? ECMD_HIDE : 0)
- if (use_firstwin)
- ++autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- use_firstwin = FALSE;
- }
- ui_breakcheck();
- }
- /* Remove the "lock" on the argument list. */
- alist_unlink(alist);
- --autocmd_no_enter;
- #endif
- win_enter(firstwin, FALSE); /* back to first window */
- --autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- }
- # if defined(FEAT_LISTCMDS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Open a window for a number of buffers.
- */
- void
- ex_buffer_all(eap)
- exarg_T *eap;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- win_T *wp, *wpnext;
- int split_ret = OK;
- int p_ea_save;
- int open_wins = 0;
- int r;
- int count; /* Maximum number of windows to open. */
- int all; /* When TRUE also load inactive buffers. */
- if (eap->addr_count == 0) /* make as many windows as possible */
- count = 9999;
- else
- count = eap->line2; /* make as many windows as specified */
- if (eap->cmdidx == CMD_unhide || eap->cmdidx == CMD_sunhide)
- all = FALSE;
- else
- all = TRUE;
- setpcmark();
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- /*
- * Close superfluous windows (two windows for the same buffer).
- * Also close windows that are not full-width.
- */
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wpnext)
- {
- wpnext = wp->w_next;
- if (wp->w_buffer->b_nwindows > 1
- || (cmdmod.split & WSP_VERT)
- ? wp->w_height + wp->w_status_height < Rows - p_ch
- : wp->w_width != Columns
- #endif
- )
- {
- win_close(wp, FALSE);
- wpnext = firstwin; /* just in case an autocommand does
- something strange with windows */
- open_wins = 0;
- #endif
- }
- else
- ++open_wins;
- }
- /*
- * Go through the buffer list. When a buffer doesn't have a window yet,
- * open one. Otherwise move the window to the right position.
- * Watch out for autocommands that delete buffers or windows!
- */
- /* Don't execute Win/Buf Enter/Leave autocommands here. */
- ++autocmd_no_enter;
- #endif
- win_enter(lastwin, FALSE);
- ++autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL && open_wins < count; buf = buf->b_next)
- {
- /* Check if this buffer needs a window */
- if ((!all && buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL) || !buf->b_p_bl)
- continue;
- /* Check if this buffer already has a window */
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (wp->w_buffer == buf)
- break;
- /* If the buffer already has a window, move it */
- if (wp != NULL)
- win_move_after(wp, curwin);
- else if (split_ret == OK)
- {
- /* Split the window and put the buffer in it */
- p_ea_save = p_ea;
- p_ea = TRUE; /* use space from all windows */
- split_ret = win_split(0, WSP_ROOM | WSP_BELOW);
- ++open_wins;
- p_ea = p_ea_save;
- if (split_ret == FAIL)
- continue;
- /* Open the buffer in this window. */
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
- swap_exists_action = SEA_DIALOG;
- #endif
- set_curbuf(buf, DOBUF_GOTO);
- if (!buf_valid(buf)) /* autocommands deleted the buffer!!! */
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
- swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE;
- #endif
- break;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
- if (swap_exists_action == SEA_QUIT)
- {
- /* User selected Quit at ATTENTION prompt; close this window. */
- win_close(curwin, TRUE);
- --open_wins;
- swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE;
- }
- else
- handle_swap_exists(NULL);
- #endif
- }
- ui_breakcheck();
- if (got_int)
- {
- (void)vgetc(); /* only break the file loading, not the rest */
- break;
- }
- }
- --autocmd_no_enter;
- #endif
- win_enter(firstwin, FALSE); /* back to first window */
- --autocmd_no_leave;
- #endif
- /*
- * Close superfluous windows.
- */
- for (wp = lastwin; open_wins > count; )
- {
- r = (P_HID(wp->w_buffer) || !bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer)
- || autowrite(wp->w_buffer, FALSE) == OK);
- if (!win_valid(wp))
- {
- /* BufWrite Autocommands made the window invalid, start over */
- wp = lastwin;
- }
- else
- #endif
- if (r)
- {
- win_close(wp, !P_HID(wp->w_buffer));
- --open_wins;
- wp = lastwin;
- }
- else
- {
- wp = wp->w_prev;
- if (wp == NULL)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- # endif /* FEAT_LISTCMDS */
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * do_modelines() - process mode lines for the current file
- *
- * Returns immediately if the "ml" option isn't set.
- */
- static int chk_modeline __ARGS((linenr_T));
- void
- do_modelines()
- {
- linenr_T lnum;
- int nmlines;
- static int entered = 0;
- if (!curbuf->b_p_ml || (nmlines = (int)p_mls) == 0)
- return;
- /* Disallow recursive entry here. Can happen when executing a modeline
- * triggers an autocommand, which reloads modelines with a ":do". */
- if (entered)
- return;
- ++entered;
- for (lnum = 1; lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count && lnum <= nmlines;
- ++lnum)
- if (chk_modeline(lnum) == FAIL)
- nmlines = 0;
- for (lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count; lnum > 0 && lnum > nmlines
- && lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count - nmlines; --lnum)
- if (chk_modeline(lnum) == FAIL)
- nmlines = 0;
- --entered;
- }
- #include "version.h" /* for version number */
- /*
- * chk_modeline() - check a single line for a mode string
- * Return FAIL if an error encountered.
- */
- static int
- chk_modeline(lnum)
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- char_u *s;
- char_u *e;
- char_u *linecopy; /* local copy of any modeline found */
- int prev;
- int vers;
- int end;
- int retval = OK;
- char_u *save_sourcing_name;
- linenr_T save_sourcing_lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- scid_T save_SID;
- #endif
- prev = -1;
- for (s = ml_get(lnum); *s != NUL; ++s)
- {
- if (prev == -1 || vim_isspace(prev))
- {
- if ((prev != -1 && STRNCMP(s, "ex:", (size_t)3) == 0)
- || STRNCMP(s, "vi:", (size_t)3) == 0)
- break;
- if (STRNCMP(s, "vim", 3) == 0)
- {
- if (s[3] == '<' || s[3] == '=' || s[3] == '>')
- e = s + 4;
- else
- e = s + 3;
- vers = getdigits(&e);
- if (*e == ':'
- && (s[3] == ':'
- || (VIM_VERSION_100 >= vers && isdigit(s[3]))
- || (VIM_VERSION_100 < vers && s[3] == '<')
- || (VIM_VERSION_100 > vers && s[3] == '>')
- || (VIM_VERSION_100 == vers && s[3] == '=')))
- break;
- }
- }
- prev = *s;
- }
- if (*s)
- {
- do /* skip over "ex:", "vi:" or "vim:" */
- ++s;
- while (s[-1] != ':');
- s = linecopy = vim_strsave(s); /* copy the line, it will change */
- if (linecopy == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- save_sourcing_lnum = sourcing_lnum;
- save_sourcing_name = sourcing_name;
- sourcing_lnum = lnum; /* prepare for emsg() */
- sourcing_name = (char_u *)"modelines";
- end = FALSE;
- while (end == FALSE)
- {
- s = skipwhite(s);
- if (*s == NUL)
- break;
- /*
- * Find end of set command: ':' or end of line.
- * Skip over "\:", replacing it with ":".
- */
- for (e = s; *e != ':' && *e != NUL; ++e)
- if (e[0] == '\\' && e[1] == ':')
- STRCPY(e, e + 1);
- if (*e == NUL)
- end = TRUE;
- /*
- * If there is a "set" command, require a terminating ':' and
- * ignore the stuff after the ':'.
- * "vi:set opt opt opt: foo" -- foo not interpreted
- * "vi:opt opt opt: foo" -- foo interpreted
- */
- if (STRNCMP(s, "set ", (size_t)4) == 0)
- {
- if (*e != ':') /* no terminating ':'? */
- break;
- end = TRUE;
- s += 4;
- }
- *e = NUL; /* truncate the set command */
- if (*s != NUL) /* skip over an empty "::" */
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- save_SID = current_SID;
- current_SID = SID_MODELINE;
- #endif
- retval = do_set(s, OPT_MODELINE | OPT_LOCAL);
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- current_SID = save_SID;
- #endif
- if (retval == FAIL) /* stop if error found */
- break;
- }
- s = e + 1; /* advance to next part */
- }
- sourcing_lnum = save_sourcing_lnum;
- sourcing_name = save_sourcing_name;
- vim_free(linecopy);
- }
- return retval;
- }
- int
- read_viminfo_bufferlist(virp, writing)
- vir_T *virp;
- int writing;
- {
- char_u *tab;
- linenr_T lnum;
- colnr_T col;
- buf_T *buf;
- char_u *sfname;
- char_u *xline;
- /* Handle long line and escaped characters. */
- xline = viminfo_readstring(virp, 1, FALSE);
- /* don't read in if there are files on the command-line or if writing: */
- if (xline != NULL && !writing && ARGCOUNT == 0
- && find_viminfo_parameter('%') != NULL)
- {
- /* Format is: <fname> Tab <lnum> Tab <col>.
- * Watch out for a Tab in the file name, work from the end. */
- lnum = 0;
- col = 0;
- tab = vim_strrchr(xline, '\t');
- if (tab != NULL)
- {
- *tab++ = '\0';
- col = atoi((char *)tab);
- tab = vim_strrchr(xline, '\t');
- if (tab != NULL)
- {
- *tab++ = '\0';
- lnum = atol((char *)tab);
- }
- }
- /* Expand "~/" in the file name at "line + 1" to a full path.
- * Then try shortening it by comparing with the current directory */
- expand_env(xline, NameBuff, MAXPATHL);
- mch_dirname(IObuff, IOSIZE);
- sfname = shorten_fname(NameBuff, IObuff);
- if (sfname == NULL)
- sfname = NameBuff;
- buf = buflist_new(NameBuff, sfname, (linenr_T)0, BLN_LISTED);
- if (buf != NULL) /* just in case... */
- {
- buf->b_last_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- buf->b_last_cursor.col = col;
- buflist_setfpos(buf, curwin, lnum, col, FALSE);
- }
- }
- vim_free(xline);
- return viminfo_readline(virp);
- }
- void
- write_viminfo_bufferlist(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- win_T *win;
- #endif
- char_u *line;
- if (find_viminfo_parameter('%') == NULL)
- return;
- /* Allocate room for the file name, lnum and col. */
- line = alloc(MAXPATHL + 30);
- if (line == NULL)
- return;
- for (win = firstwin; win != NULL; win = win->w_next)
- set_last_cursor(win);
- #else
- set_last_cursor(curwin);
- #endif
- fprintf(fp, _("\n# Buffer list:\n"));
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL ; buf = buf->b_next)
- {
- if (buf->b_fname == NULL
- || !buf->b_p_bl
- || bt_quickfix(buf)
- #endif
- || removable(buf->b_ffname))
- continue;
- putc('%', fp);
- home_replace(NULL, buf->b_ffname, line, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
- sprintf((char *)line + STRLEN(line), "\t%ld\t%d",
- (long)buf->b_last_cursor.lnum,
- buf->b_last_cursor.col);
- viminfo_writestring(fp, line);
- }
- vim_free(line);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Return special buffer name.
- * Returns NULL when the buffer has a normal file name.
- */
- char *
- buf_spname(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) && defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
- if (bt_quickfix(buf))
- return _("[Error List]");
- #endif
- /* There is no _file_ when 'buftype' is "nofile", b_sfname
- * contains the name as specified by the user */
- if (bt_nofile(buf))
- {
- if (buf->b_sfname != NULL)
- return (char *)buf->b_sfname;
- return "[Scratch]";
- }
- #endif
- if (buf->b_fname == NULL)
- return _("[No File]");
- return NULL;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_SIGNS) || defined(PROTO)
- static void insert_sign __ARGS((buf_T *buf, signlist_T *prev, signlist_T *next, int id, linenr_T lnum, int typenr));
- /*
- * Insert the sign into the signlist.
- */
- static void
- insert_sign(buf, prev, next, id, lnum, typenr)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer to store sign in */
- signlist_T *prev; /* previous sign entry */
- signlist_T *next; /* next sign entry */
- int id; /* sign ID */
- linenr_T lnum; /* line number which gets the mark */
- int typenr; /* typenr of sign we are adding */
- {
- signlist_T *newsign;
- newsign = (signlist_T *)lalloc((long_u)sizeof(signlist_T), FALSE);
- if (newsign != NULL)
- {
- newsign->id = id;
- newsign->lnum = lnum;
- newsign->typenr = typenr;
- newsign->next = next;
- if (prev == NULL)
- {
- /* When adding first sign need to redraw the windows to create the
- * column for signs. */
- if (buf->b_signlist == NULL)
- {
- redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
- changed_cline_bef_curs();
- }
- /* first sign in signlist */
- buf->b_signlist = newsign;
- }
- else
- prev->next = newsign;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add the sign into the signlist. Find the right spot to do it though.
- */
- int
- buf_addsign(buf, id, lnum, typenr)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer to store sign in */
- int id; /* sign ID */
- linenr_T lnum; /* line number which gets the mark */
- int typenr; /* typenr of sign we are adding */
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in the signlist */
- signlist_T *prev; /* the previous sign */
- prev = NULL;
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- {
- if (lnum == sign->lnum && id == sign->id)
- {
- sign->typenr = typenr;
- return sign->lnum;
- }
- else if (id < 0 && lnum < sign->lnum)
- {
- insert_sign(buf, prev, sign, id, lnum, typenr);
- return lnum;
- }
- prev = sign;
- }
- insert_sign(buf, prev, NULL, id, lnum, typenr);
- return lnum;
- }
- int
- buf_change_sign_type(buf, markId, typenr)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer to store sign in */
- int markId; /* sign ID */
- int typenr; /* typenr of sign we are adding */
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in the signlist */
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- {
- if (sign->id == markId)
- {
- sign->typenr = typenr;
- return sign->lnum;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int_u
- buf_getsigntype(buf, lnum)
- buf_T *buf;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in a b_signlist */
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- if (sign->lnum == lnum)
- return sign->typenr;
- return 0;
- }
- linenr_T
- buf_delsign(buf, id)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer sign is stored in */
- int id; /* sign id */
- {
- signlist_T **lastp; /* pointer to pointer to current sign */
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in a b_signlist */
- signlist_T *next; /* the next sign in a b_signlist */
- linenr_T lnum; /* line number whose sign was deleted */
- lastp = &buf->b_signlist;
- lnum = 0;
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = next)
- {
- next = sign->next;
- if (sign->id == id)
- {
- *lastp = next;
- lnum = sign->lnum;
- vim_free(sign);
- break;
- }
- else
- lastp = &sign->next;
- }
- /* When deleted the last sign need to redraw the windows to remove the
- * sign column. */
- if (buf->b_signlist == NULL)
- {
- redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
- changed_cline_bef_curs();
- }
- return lnum;
- }
- /*
- * Find the line number of the sign with the requested id. If the sign does
- * not exist, return 0 as the line number. This will still let the correct file
- * get loaded.
- */
- int
- buf_findsign(buf, id)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer to store sign in */
- int id; /* sign ID */
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in the signlist */
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- if (sign->id == id)
- return sign->lnum;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- buf_findsign_id(buf, lnum)
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer whose sign we are searching for */
- linenr_T lnum; /* line number of sign */
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in the signlist */
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- if (sign->lnum == lnum)
- return sign->id;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- buf_delete_all_signs()
- {
- buf_T *buf; /* buffer we are checking for signs */
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in a b_signlist */
- signlist_T *next; /* the next sign in a b_signlist */
- for (buf = firstbuf; buf != NULL; buf = buf->b_next)
- if (buf->b_signlist != NULL)
- {
- /* Need to redraw the windows to remove the sign column. */
- redraw_buf_later(buf, NOT_VALID);
- for (sign = buf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = next)
- {
- next = sign->next;
- vim_free(sign);
- }
- buf->b_signlist = NULL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * List placed signs for "rbuf". If "rbuf" is NULL do it for all buffers.
- */
- void
- sign_list_placed(rbuf)
- buf_T *rbuf;
- {
- buf_T *buf;
- signlist_T *p;
- char lbuf[BUFSIZ];
- MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Signs ---"));
- msg_putchar('\n');
- if (rbuf == NULL)
- buf = firstbuf;
- else
- buf = rbuf;
- while (buf != NULL)
- {
- if (buf->b_signlist != NULL)
- {
- sprintf(lbuf, _("Signs for %s:"), buf->b_fname);
- MSG_PUTS_ATTR(lbuf, hl_attr(HLF_D));
- msg_putchar('\n');
- }
- for (p = buf->b_signlist; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- sprintf(lbuf, _(" line=%ld id=%d name=%s"),
- (long)p->lnum, p->id, sign_typenr2name(p->typenr));
- MSG_PUTS(lbuf);
- msg_putchar('\n');
- }
- if (rbuf != NULL)
- break;
- buf = buf->b_next;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Adjust a placed sign for inserted/deleted lines.
- */
- void
- sign_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)
- linenr_T line1;
- linenr_T line2;
- long amount;
- long amount_after;
- {
- signlist_T *sign; /* a sign in a b_signlist */
- for (sign = curbuf->b_signlist; sign != NULL; sign = sign->next)
- {
- if (sign->lnum >= line1 && sign->lnum <= line2)
- {
- if (amount == MAXLNUM)
- sign->lnum = line1;
- else
- sign->lnum += amount;
- }
- else if (sign->lnum > line2)
- sign->lnum += amount_after;
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_SIGNS */
- /*
- * Set 'buflisted' for curbuf to "on" and trigger autocommands if it changed.
- */
- void
- set_buflisted(on)
- int on;
- {
- if (on != curbuf->b_p_bl)
- {
- curbuf->b_p_bl = on;
- if (on)
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFADD, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- else
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFDELETE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * Read the file for "buf" again and check if the contents changed.
- * Return TRUE if it changed or this could not be checked.
- */
- int
- buf_contents_changed(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- buf_T *newbuf;
- int differ = TRUE;
- linenr_T lnum;
- aco_save_T aco;
- #else
- buf_T *old_curbuf = curbuf;
- #endif
- exarg_T ea;
- /* Allocate a buffer without putting it in the buffer list. */
- newbuf = buflist_new(NULL, NULL, (linenr_T)1, BLN_DUMMY);
- if (newbuf == NULL)
- return TRUE;
- /* Force the 'fileencoding' and 'fileformat' to be equal. */
- if (prep_exarg(&ea, buf) == FAIL)
- {
- close_buffer(NULL, newbuf, DOBUF_WIPE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* set curwin/curbuf to buf and save a few things */
- aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, newbuf);
- #else
- curbuf = newbuf;
- curwin->w_buffer = newbuf;
- #endif
- if (ml_open() == OK
- && readfile(buf->b_ffname, buf->b_fname,
- (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM,
- &ea, READ_NEW | READ_DUMMY) == OK)
- {
- /* compare the two files line by line */
- if (buf->b_ml.ml_line_count == curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- differ = FALSE;
- for (lnum = 1; lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
- if (STRCMP(ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, FALSE), ml_get(lnum)) != 0)
- {
- differ = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- vim_free(ea.cmd);
- /* restore curwin/curbuf and a few other things */
- aucmd_restbuf(&aco);
- #else
- curbuf = old_curbuf;
- curwin->w_buffer = old_curbuf;
- #endif
- if (curbuf != newbuf) /* safety check */
- {
- /* Don't increase the last buffer number. */
- if (newbuf->b_fnum == top_file_num - 1)
- --top_file_num;
- close_buffer(NULL, newbuf, DOBUF_WIPE);
- }
- return differ;
- }